Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Welcome Anne!!!!!  I am going to be honest.  I would build a pallet coop.  It is easier to add on to!!!  If you can find them that they are square, you should not need to make any cuts.  For the roof you can use ply wood, or even MDF and rubber roofing.  You can sit it up on cinder blocks.

BTW the best breed of chicken in a Bantam Cochin or an Ameraucana!!!  Sorry blarney!

Anne!! That reminds me, in fort Washington I saw a lot of these square pallets! If you are interested in going that route, on virginia drive, pm me if you want I can see if they are still there
Anne!! That reminds me, in fort Washington I saw a lot of these square pallets! If you are interested in going that route, on virginia drive, pm me if you want I can see if they are still there

Thanks Roseschickies! I do know I can get some pallets around here, I've seen them quite a bit. It will just be a challenge to make it pretty, but I'm sure I can figure something out. I may end up doing the wood pallet thing.

My top picks for chicken breeds are:

Buff Orpington
Barred Plymouth Rock

I can only have 3-4, I need them to be friendly, fairly good egg layers, and able to stay warm in winter. And I think fat chickens are adorable (healthy fat, not Racoon's wish-come-true fat). :lau
THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!! I called someone I know from a wildlife rescue who has ties with the game commission. They said they were definitely hand raised and WILL NOT SURVIVE in the wild. They are sending the local game commission out to see if they can identify if they are a wild breed or not. If they are a wild breed, the game commission is going to have to take them.
Sad, but they said they will get very dangerous since they have lost their fear of humans. In other words, they will kick some booty!!! If they are a domestic breed, i can probably keep them, and will see if anyone has lost any locally. If not, i will keep a couple and WILL BE LOOKING FOR A GOOD HOME OR TWO (ahem Reyvaughn) who will care for some of them. AND EWEABER......YOU AND YOUR DAD ARE WELCOME TO COME OVER IF IT WORKS OUT!!! Send some positive energy!!! Hoping these guys will be OK!!! Poor things!!! They really are sweeties!!! I was thinking dinner until I interacted a little with them!!! Now I dont think I could. never ate wild turkey anyhow. Barely like store bought turkey!
And at very least, i can feed them and give them water and will not be in trouble legally! She said it's documented that I contacted tham and its Ok to help them now!!!

They didn't come back tonight!

HOW did I go from thinkin I would fill the freezer, to being mad about the poo on the porch, to missing them and worrying if they are Ok and wanting to save their lives??? GOOD GRIEF!!!
Well, if they come back , the game commission will see them, and we will find out whats what. til then, i am telling myself their human found them and took them home!
But, if I can't find the human, and they are in need, I will let you guys know. I appreciate that we can all help them!!! Thanks!!!
OH, and did ask my feed guy. He usually knows everyone, and didn't know.

Aww, well, maybe it's all for the best!
I once had a flock of about 15 Guineas come wondering down the road once. I herded them into my front yard (far from the road and filled with yummy bugs) and had to leave. When I came back, they were gone. I have no ideas who's they were and no idea where they went. I do know that a couple stuck around for a period of time. For about a month I seen 3 leave my trees and disappear into the weeds.

On another note, I did fire my incubator back up almost 23 days ago. On Saturday I put my Bourbon Red turkey eggs into lock down. I finally candled them for the first time tonight. Only 5 are still alive of the 12. I am hoping for a girl or two! My tom from WVStruttin will have a single Blue Slate GF... I can see that being a problem.

... In lieu of a kindergarten moment... If I mix blue with red, will I get purple turkeys? LOL, I couldn't help myself. I needed to laugh and sometimes I am very easy to amuse.
Now when I travel through my coverage area (it's the yellow part of my map) I think of you - Tweetr1979 when I had to go to Hartleton and Millmont last week and Gavin's Mom when I made the appointment for Columbia County for next week. I lurk and learn - still no chickens nor even the materials for coop building. I hope to start in the spring. I want blue, green, and dark brown eggs and pretty birds. More lurking and learning to do.

Alright thanks...I should have just kept my Little Roo. He was a sweetheart and told the people next door to shut up! I will probably just add to their run and make it larger... But if anyone ever comes to Gardners and wants to dump off an older but nice roo. I wont say anything! And we can just let hubby find him in the yard and I can just say poor Rooster he must have just been dumped, we should just keep him. I dont know where he came from to return him Dear!

hahaha like he would believe me...

Oh, I have the sweetest little baby roo right now, I wish you lived closer to me!
Omg, so sad to see the Jersey shore is burning down. Poor Seaside :hit

what's happening?? we don't have tv or cable so I have no idea
. Xs 2! We just got cable back on Monday (just in time to see the Eagles spank the Redskins!) Unfortunately, I forget how to work the dang thing! -it's been a few years.... I'll have to get one of the kids to show me.

Hello All! :D I am SUPER new here and extra new to the world of 'chickening'. My husband and I are going to (hopefully) going to get 3-4 day old chicks next year for laying eggs. Two questions:

-Does anyone know a less expensive way to get a starter coop? My budget is about 100$ and I am scouring Craigslist everyday. Hubby and I have no building experience, so making our own is out of the question.

-Does any kind soul want to be a young woman's chicken mentor? Maybe someone who lives within an hour that I could meet with for some 'chicken chat' occasionally. I am about mid-county.

I apologize if this post is in the wrong place, this is my first online forum post anywhere! Have a great day!

Welcome Anne!!!!!  I am going to be honest.  I would build a pallet coop.  It is easier to add on to!!!  If you can find them that they are square, you should not need to make any cuts.  For the roof you can use ply wood, or even MDF and rubber roofing.  You can sit it up on cinder blocks.

BTW the best breed of chicken in a Bantam Cochin or an Ameraucana!!!  Sorry blarney! Ok, I'll give ya the Bantam Cochins! They are sweeties, and pretty too!

The Easter Eggers & Olive Eggers RULE! Plus you always have to have a Chocolate Egger in there to make the full rainbow. I just collect as many feather & shell colors as possible to make the prettiest flock & egg basket possible.

I agree with Silkie here, love a mixed egg basket as well as many pretty colors to view in the yard! And....yes she does get to PA quite a bit, but spends her time runnin around with goats.
Now when I travel through my coverage area (it's the yellow part of my map) I think of you - Tweetr1979 when I had to go to Hartleton and Millmont last week and Gavin's Mom when I made the appointment for Columbia County for next week. I lurk and learn - still no chickens nor even the materials for coop building. I hope to start in the spring. I want blue, green, and dark brown eggs and pretty birds. More lurking and learning to do.


Welcome to the madness! And I believe your coverage area puts you in the Eagles Fans' territory!

Anne!! That reminds me, in fort Washington I saw a lot of these square pallets! If you are interested in going that route, on virginia drive, pm me if you want I can see if they are still there

Thanks Roseschickies! I do know I can get some pallets around here, I've seen them quite a bit. It will just be a challenge to make it pretty, but I'm sure I can figure something out. I may end up doing the wood pallet thing.

My top picks for chicken breeds are:

Buff Orpington
Barred Plymouth Rock

I can only have 3-4, I need them to be friendly, fairly good egg layers, and able to stay warm in winter. And I think fat chickens are adorable (healthy fat, not Racoon's wish-come-true fat). :lau

'raccoons wish come true fat!?' BWAHAHAHAHA!
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Finally out of 7 dozen eggs...only 13 developed (fertile) and my humidity was low and only 1 hatched, by the markings some sort of old english breed, so I plucked the smallest chick from the coop to keep him/her company in the brooder,

Now when I travel through my coverage area (it's the yellow part of my map) I think of you - Tweetr1979 when I had to go to Hartleton and Millmont last week and Gavin's Mom when I made the appointment for Columbia County for next week. I lurk and learn - still no chickens nor even the materials for coop building. I hope to start in the spring. I want blue, green, and dark brown eggs and pretty birds. More lurking and learning to do.


I'm sure when you're ready there are plenty of us willing to help you get started. If you're waiting till spring I should have chicks for 2 of your 3 desired egg colors. My marans are laying dark terracotta eggs instead of the dark brown I hoped for though...
If ya have time and wanna grab a bite or a coffee while over this way send me p.m. I'm no expert but I can give ya pointers that I've learned thus far. Maybe Indigo and/or Reyvaughn could join us.

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