Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Okay-----I am now armed and dangerous to the big nasty R! I have wire trap big honking wooden mouse trap sized for big honking R's smaller mousetraps...... and I going to the store for the electric R zapper! I also cleaned out the storage cabinet I have that holds birdseed and chicken feed and found one big container of thistle with its lid removed..................hmmmm wonder who or how many of them did that? I gathered together all metal conatiners I could find readily and will keep my eye out for more! Now if that mean ole R would just STAY AWAY FROM THIS HOUSE and THESE CHICKENS.................. he can live in peace..................BUT SO HELP ME IF HE COMES THIS WAY................. DANGER AND T ROUBLE COULD HAPPEN! ( I just cannot fathom the type of injuries to the chickens that were previously described so I just gotta get rid of these guys) I just hope if I take away their found food source-----if it was the thistle-----I hope they don't come to get the chickens instead? well-----nature has its ways................. off to the store to complete my set of tools! STAY AWAY you NASTY R! CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED! ( wonder if they can read? )
I now know to never mess with Lisa... Especially when it comes to her chickens. Lol :oops:
Blarney, I am bantam size.. This is why I want the scots dumpy chickens,,,, they are perfect for me..
:gig. :lau
count the babies ??
Awesome pic!
Are they hatchery stock, or breeder stock? Are they your first Heritage turkeys? May I put you on my list of "people to PM when I am freaking out about a turkey problem"?

The tom came from a hatchery, not sure which one. The girls the guy traded Buff American Geese for, so I don't know. I am assuming not since she argued with the guy that the others he got from her were bronze when even I knew they were Narragansetts. If they were from a hatchery, you'd know what you ordered, right? I hatched a red and a slate last year, so no, not my first, but these are my first matching types and will be my first year with eggs. I can try to help you out, so sure. The "Turkey Talk for 2014" thread is a good place to head, too.
GOOD evening everyone! How are you all doing?
So, after reading a post on using refrigerated eggs in your bator, I decided to try it.. I had some duck eggs in the frig and added them to the 30 eggs I bought off of Wing. I thought it would be an interesting experiment. What do you think?
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