Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Carbon/Monroe County border
We are neighbors! I am in Monroe County.

The coop before the chicks, now that is not the way most of us think, good job being prepared, hope it is a big coop

Right, I subscribe to the "Just In Time" theory of coop building. Actually, the "In Time" part is sometimes not quite accurate either, but I do try.

right there with you guys except the "just in time" thing is pushing it for us lol. Well be lucky to get them out there by the time they're 8 weeks old
Quote: Excuse me while I meander over to the 'confused couch'.... Gonna have to read that one a few times over. Gives me a reason to go stare at my poults though. They are all so cool looking, we love them! The one white poult is a Midget White, the only one from that hatch, they came from a different breeder. MsLadyHawke picked up some Royal Palm eggs at auction 2 weeks ago and they are looking good.

Quote: Great idea, but I thought I was the Queen of taking a vegetable and making it bad for you..yep I can make anything bad for your health

Quote: Am I the only one who read this as 'York County Co~Op'?

Quote: I'm in the '2 full weeks after the smell of chicken poo coming from my basement leads me to rip my hair out' club.

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