Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Ok everyone, more questions! Lol

one of my EE pullets is acting strange today. I noticed it after my husband shot if his gun in the yard this morning so I done know if it's related to that or not (he shot away from the coop of course). So, after he shot the gun she was making strange noises like little peeppy huffs. Almost like sneezes. I held her for a bit with no trouble picking her up and she stopped but then was doing it again after I put her back down. That was around 9 - ish this morning. We'll about 20 minutes ago, our son came rushing into the house because she jumped out the door to the run when he opened it to put some scraps in and while he was trying to get her a bunch more got out (they are all 12-13 weeks old and have never been out yet lol). We got them all back in and Maple was first but the entire time we were getting everyone back in she was persistently trying to jump back out. She ended up under a couple others and they almost seemed to attack her for trying to get out and they chased her back under the coop and pinned her. I went and rescued her and held her again for a few minutes. She sounded raspy and almost like she was wheezing. I put her down and she really didn't want to go anywhere and just stood there. I have get a little nudge and she moved a little. I left because I had food cooking and came back out to peek in on her and she was just chowing on food like nothing was wrong. Should I worry about her or is she ok? I'm confused.

ETA: She was always my brave chick. The one that everyone said would be a roo lol. Don't know if that matters or not.

It sounds like she is just freaked out. Hold her if she prefers it (heck. Wrap her in a towel, and watch television with her).
It sounds like she is just freaked out. Hold her if she prefers it (heck. Wrap her in a towel, and watch television with her).

I'm afraid to take her or of the coop and try to reintroduce her. She caught a glimpse of me peeking out from the garage and she was running back and forth, jumping at the hardware cloth trying to get out. I saw 4-5 of the others just attack her and chase her to a corner and pin her there. They all seem to be attacking her now and I don't get it. I've seen this happen 2-3 times now. I go out to the coop and chase them away from her and she hurries up and jumps up on me. She wants to stay on my lap or shoulders. Anywhere away from everyone else. I don't get why they're suddenly targeting her?
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Good morning! We are looking for an all-flock or grower type feed that we could feed our entire multi-age flock. We can get layer feed locally for cheap, but don't know what to feed the little ones that isn't so expensive like from TSC. Any suggestions? We live in York but can go to Lancaster.

I called Hokes mill they have a grower feed that is 18%, he said that would be good for most the flock and if you wanted to feed it from day old chicks the have roasted soybean that is 38% that you could add in to increase the protein content.
I called Hokes mill they have a grower feed that is 18%, he said that would be good for most the flock and if you wanted to feed it from day old chicks the have roasted soybean that is 38% that you could add in to increase the protein content.

Sounds great! Thank you! We just moved Momma and the babies in with her former flock mates. We have had them side by side, so when we put them together they barely noticed. My husband just hooked up the nipple watering system to the big coop. We are slowly getting things set up the way we want. Eggs I got from CC and Wingstone are set to hatch by this weekend!
I'm afraid to take her or of the coop and try to reintroduce her. She caught a glimpse of me peeking out from the garage and she was running back and forth, jumping at the hardware cloth trying to get out. I saw 4-5 of the others just attack her and chase her to a corner and pin her there. They all seem to be attacking her now and I don't get it. I've seen this happen 2-3 times now. I go out to the coop and chase them away from her and she hurries up and jumps up on me. She wants to stay on my lap or shoulders. Anywhere away from everyone else. I don't get why they're suddenly targeting her?
Take her away from the others for the rest of the day. After dark put her back out in the coop with the others and see what happens in the morning. By taking her away and reintroducing her during the night she and they might forget their imagined differences by morning. When you put her back in the coop, put her in amongst the others as if nothing had ever happened between them. Let us know if it doesn't work.
   Take her away from the others for the rest of the day. After dark put her back out in the coop with the others and see what happens in the morning. By taking her away and reintroducing her during the night she and they might forget their imagined differences by morning. When you put her back in the coop, put her in amongst the others as if nothing had ever happened between them. Let us know if it doesn't work.

ok I may try that. Right now she has herself segregated so she's ok for now. I'll go get her after dinner. She put herself in the coop, all alone, for a nap. Everyone else stays outside. I went out to check on her and didn't see her and as I was walking past the unfinished shed half of the coop, she squawked at me from inside (she saw me through the unfinished nest box that just has hardware cloth over it. It's just so wierd. She's never been one to have any problems. She's always been the brave one and now I feel bad for her.

I moved Maple to the garage to the old brooder until everyone is in bed tonight. This is her in her isolation :( I gave her water and a scoop of food and she dove into it like she was starving to death (I did see her eating earlier outside). Now she's just lounging out there and looking very relaxed. When I went out to the coop to get her, she was still hiding inside while everyone else was outside. My poor little girl :(. I'll let you all know if everything is fine tomorrow. I'll be putting her to bed with the others tonight around 10 when they're all in bed for the night.

On an unrelated topic, this is the 3rd day in a row that a large black snake had shown up between the garage and coop. I think I killed this one but we relocated the lasr two (this one looked like the same one from yesterday though). Should I get used to this or what? Are they going to keep coming around because they smell chickens?
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I moved Maple to the garage to the old brooder until everyone is in bed tonight. This is her in her isolation
I gave her water and a scoop of food and she dove into it like she was starving to death (I did see her eating earlier outside). Now she's just lounging out there and looking very relaxed. When I went out to the coop to get her, she was still hiding inside while everyone else was outside. My poor little girl
. I'll let you all know if everything is fine tomorrow. I'll be putting her to bed with the others tonight around 10 when they're all in bed for the night.

On an unrelated topic, this is the 3rd day in a row that a large black snake had shown up between the garage and coop. I think I killed this one but we relocated the lasr two (this one looked like the same one from yesterday though). Should I get used to this or what? Are they going to keep coming around because they smell chickens?


I have had a similar problem re-introducing one of my chooks after a fox attack....both my roos try to attack her on site had have beat her up badly a couple of times...she now only free ranges under my supervision and she hides under my legs when they approach....I have enlarged the grow out pen and that is going to be her long term home....I intend to add a couple of other girls in with her for company....I'd suggest you be there when your girls meet may need to protect her...chooks can be quite mean....

I have had a similar problem re-introducing one of my chooks after a fox attack....both my roos try to attack her on site had have beat her up badly a couple of times...she now only free ranges under my supervision and she hides under my legs when they approach....I have enlarged the grow out pen and that is going to be her long term home....I intend to add a couple of other girls in with her for company....I'd suggest you be there when your girls meet may need to protect her...chooks can be quite mean....

ok so I put her in with them at night when they're in bed and then in the morning, hang out a while to make sure all is well when I first let them out for breakfast then? Is that what you mean? Or should I wait until morning to put her back or with them and supervise?
ok so I put her in with them at night when they're in bed and then in the morning, hang out a while to make sure all is well when I first let them out for breakfast then? Is that what you mean? Or should I wait until morning to put her back or with them and supervise?

I'd do the move at night, then get up real early and meet them as they come off the roost....providing a bit of scratch might be a good idea too and it will buy some time when they won't be focused on two cents (and I'm the one giving advise when I had to build a separate pen for my girl)

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