Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Anyone know of a  local place (or somewhere along my chicken train route) to get a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte? My mom saw a picture and fell in love. She's been teetering on the edge of chicken ownership and I want to be a good enabler daughter :D  hehe

O here it is her name is @PeakyBeaky

Breast me to it lol. I got some birds from her before and they were beautiful. Unfortunately, they were with my very first group of chicks and my dogs made sure that we never get to see them grow up :/. She has a website too. It's Nittany Wyandottes.
Anyone know of a local place (or somewhere along my chicken train route) to get a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte? My mom saw a picture and fell in love. She's been teetering on the edge of chicken ownership and I want to be a good enabler daughter

I think Freehling Farms out in Kittanning get's them in sometimes.
Did you see me waving??
Quote: I've got a big fat blue chick right now that we are in LOVE with! I think she's a Wyandotte mix the cockerel was a Partridge Orpington, I sure hope she stays blue.

Quote: The first brooder we made was 4 foot square from reclaimed wood. Turns out...I can't reach across a four foot space, so all brooders now are no more than 3 feet wide.


The fox got another girl today, one of my adult CCL girls....she just wouldn't stay in the pen and I have not had the opportunity to finish the new pen.....seems like any girl that free ranges gets picked off...,
Oh Stake, I'm so sorry. Those CCLs are good flyers, right?

Ummm, I plan on using them as egg layers not meat.
I live in the country outside Wilkes Barre.
We've got Marans here. I am in Southern Chester County, close to West Chester, PA.

Quote: SWEET! New line of Ayam Cemani? That's quite a score. Hope it pans out for you.

Quote: Couldn't get them to answer the door? Yikes!! How are the chicks now?
[COLOR=0000FF]Couldn't get them to answer the door?  Yikes!!  How are the chicks now?[/COLOR]

I got a pair of chicks roughly 3 weeks old. One is doing fantastically well. The other has wry neck but the vet believes it was caused by an infection, possibly ear infection, so probably nothing to do with the breeder. I'd had them about 5 weeks before she showed any symptoms.

The whole experience was strange, and the lingering smell of cigarettes even after I changed their bedding out several times trying to get rid of it made me really wonder.
Ummm, I plan on using them as egg layers not meat.
I live in the country outside Wilkes Barre.
Sorry, they are sold by TSC as meat chickens here, so I thought you are raising meat birds now. I don't really know any one near your have ameraucanas and marans. dheltzel is at Pottstown, where is almost 2 hours from you, but he has BCMs and some really nice blue egg layers, including ameraucanas, legbars, and black sexlinks he created.
I just spoke with the new owner, Michael, on Friday. He bought the business back in January for his wife, and they've had a few challenges with startup. During that huge blizzard we had back in February (there were six foot snow drifts in my backyard!) the power went out on the farm for five days, and they lost not only thousands of eggs but thousands of chicks as well! A lot of breeds were, unfortunately, set back when it came to hatching times. He also said, until the management has been re-tooled, he is expecting to take a few breeds off of the website. (However, they have perhaps the best Ayam Cemanis in the country, as he recently imported some more from Indonesia by way of Germany in order to cut back on inbreeding and strengthen the bloodline overall.)

I've ordered six started pullets from them-- four for me, and two for my mom!
I have become friends with the new owners. They bought chicks from me last year before they bought LFF, and still buy some from me. They are good people with good intentions, perhaps stretched a little beyond what they should be. I doubt they understood fully what they were getting into.

That said, if you have any issues with them and want me to help, I will do what I can to see that you get what you want. Remember when you are dealing with small hatcheries that there are pluses and minuses. I have no full (or even part) time customer support people, it's all me, all the time. Frankly, it can be exhausting, but it is also incredibly rewarding to see people successful with their new chicks -- I had a crucial role in their success.

I think LFF is in the same place, they want to help and make people happy, but their resources are limited and that's not likely to change soon. I can't imagine trying to take orders from a website. Well, I did entertain that idea, but I can't meet demand with the people that are willing to contact me directly, if they could just click a few places and put in a CC number, then a box of chicks arrive a week or so later, I would fall so far behind you'd never see me in here again.

Last night I was "reminded" that I've been ignoring my FB notifications. I see now that even an FB page is extending me beyond what I am capable of supporting. I can sort of see the wisdom of Sandhill Preservation, they only accept mailed in orders with paper checks (so 1990's !!). That would certainly make the order tracking easier, but it is the source of many complaints for people that want to order online with a CC. would I contact them? I live way out in the country so 2 hours isn't really far lol
Oh, I hang out here from time to time . . .

We have @Auroradream26 out near Altoona, and I'm in the SE, we need a Wilkes-Barre outpost, someone to breed and sell local chicks. You are about the 10th person from your area that has contacted me about getting chicks. It's a long haul to Pottstown. Maybe I should work with someone up there to put together a larger order of chicks and send them up with that person to resell to all the locals there.

Dang, I forgot about my last post . . I don't have time or chicks to do that. I wish I could fill that need somehow.
Bielefelders were a bust this last hatch. 4 eggs with fully formed chicks and not a single pip. Frustrating

But the Welbars got their mojo back! 27 chicks from 32 eggs, best in a long time. 13 little pullet chicks, so pretty in their brooder.

My first hatch of BCM's in several months is set for this weekend. So many people want them, I sure hope they start hatching like last year
Bielefelders were a bust this last hatch. 4 eggs with fully formed chicks and not a single pip. Frustrating :he
But the Welbars got their mojo back! 27 chicks from 32 eggs, best in a long time. 13 little pullet chicks, so pretty in their brooder.

My first hatch of BCM's in several months is set for this weekend. So many people want them, I sure hope they start hatching like last year  :fl  

I'm sorry you lost the bielefelders, but so happy to hear the welbars are successful! Best of luck on the marans!! I know people out there are going crazy for them, feed store sold out of the hatchery ones in a day

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