Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Bielefelders were a bust this last hatch. 4 eggs with fully formed chicks and not a single pip. Frustrating

But the Welbars got their mojo back! 27 chicks from 32 eggs, best in a long time. 13 little pullet chicks, so pretty in their brooder.

My first hatch of BCM's in several months is set for this weekend. So many people want them, I sure hope they start hatching like last year
Bielefelders sure are a very special breed that will be a good member of any flock. They are so calm and never fight other chickens. Did you try to switch the roos between Rhodefelder pen and Bielefelder pen to see what happens?

I forgot that you even have a facebook page, which is not list here or on your website. I don't know how people find it.
Bielefelders were a bust this last hatch. 4 eggs with fully formed chicks and not a single pip. Frustrating :he
But the Welbars got their mojo back! 27 chicks from 32 eggs, best in a long time. 13 little pullet chicks, so pretty in their brooder.

My first hatch of BCM's in several months is set for this weekend. So many people want them, I sure hope they start hatching like last year  :fl  

Sorry to hear about the bielefelders. I was a able to get 6 bielefelder eggs which are on day 9 today. Pretty sure 3 are clears so far. New to this so not 100% sure. I hope I am wrong, they are still in the incubator. They are really pretty birds!

Good luck with your BCM's!
I'm sorry you lost the bielefelders, but so happy to hear the welbars are successful! Best of luck on the marans!! I know people out there are going crazy for them, feed store sold out of the hatchery ones in a day

I don't know why so many people love marans. I personally think welsummers or welbars are better choices. Maybe their French name sounds fancy?
I don't know why so many people love marans. I personally think welsummers or welbars are better choices. Maybe their French name sounds fancy?

I'm not sure either, but I think they have a reputation for the darkest eggs and that's why....but I've seen Penedesenca that lay nearly as dark. I personally prefer the welsummer because I think the tendency for spotty eggs makes for a prettier dozen than solid chocolate. But out of all of the dark egg breeds, my personal favorite is the Barnevelder
I'm not sure either, but I think they have a reputation for the darkest eggs and that's why....but I've seen Penedesenca that lay nearly as dark. I personally prefer the welsummer because I think the tendency for spotty eggs makes for a prettier dozen than solid chocolate. But out of all of the dark egg breeds, my personal favorite is the Barnevelder

Are Barnevelders flighty? They are so pretty! I wanted them, but a flighty bird is not for newbie like me.
I don't think they are they are really pretty birds but I have a few flighty birds I hate them I would never get rid of them but u can't even touch them without the squawking
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Are Barnevelders flighty? They are so pretty! I wanted them, but a flighty bird is not for newbie like me.

I had 3 from ideal many years ago. My RSL laid darker eggs than them (don't know what I was expecting with ideal LOL) but they were sweet birds that liked to keep to themselves, their personality was much like the wyandottes I had at the same time. I don't recall them being flighty at all, they got to be pretty plump birds with age. SO beautiful though! I've never had a breeder strain of barns, but if I ever pick some up, I'll let you know :)
I had 3 from ideal many years ago. My RSL laid darker eggs than them (don't know what I was expecting with ideal LOL) but they were sweet birds that liked to keep to themselves, their personality was much like the wyandottes I had at the same time. I don't recall them being flighty at all, they got to be pretty plump birds with age. SO beautiful though! I've never had a breeder strain of barns, but if I ever pick some up, I'll let you know

They are on my super long wish list now.
There are so many birds I want.

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