Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

One of my swap partners from MN just hatched out 10 of 13 eggs I sent her, it is so interesting to see what hatches from your eggs after going thru the mail that far away.
These are adorable! Good to know they made the journey!

A friend gave a few hatching eggs this morning but they feel REALY REALY cold, will they make it for a hatch?

I believe so, I've hatched eggs that were out on a 21 degree day. I just put OE eggs under my broody (shhhhhh! don't tell DH). Some of the eggs I had soaking in water first, this is supposed to not hatch, so it's a test run. I marked those eggs with a 'W" so I'll know.

BTW Sally, those 1/2 Marans chicks are toooo cute! LOVE the coloring coming in on the wings.
I would call it more of a screech than a whistle, i have a pen of youngster,s about 4 to 5 weeks old, If you would like to try some. good thing is if you find you do not like them you just fry them up. I have processed any where from 8 weeks on up, 12 to 14 seems to be the best for size, after I get some eggs for the next batch.
Guess what I just learned? I don't hate white chickens! Long explanation short, I thought I hated all white (as in the whole bird is white) birds because they LOOK like meaties. Looks like my sudden love of chickens has changed that.
Those were still young in that picture. When they left, they were over 12lbs and didn't want to stand up to eat, had no feathers on their bellies bc they laid down all the time, ate TONS of food, and pooped as much as they ate! Those are cornish cross. Had one kick over from heat exhaustion. They get big fast!
Guess what I just learned? I don't hate white chickens! Long explanation short, I thought I hated all white (as in the whole bird is white) birds because they LOOK like meaties. Looks like my sudden love of chickens has changed that.
The reds there are Lightning on the left( yep he bolted and think he is now over at the Amish farm) and the one on the right is Rockelle (my fence scaling ninja chicken) she was rocket as a chick and when we realized he was a she, she became Rockelle
what about winter?

How do I keep the water from freezing during the winter months?

This is an issue with any type of unheated waterer, unfortunately, so take care that your waterer does not freeze solid, as damage could result to the nipples (and your chickens will get thirsty!).
Our best advice is to: 1) Fill your waterer with warm water when you set it out. The thing you often hear about warm water freezing faster than cold water is baloney, by the way. 2) Bring the waterer inside your home on freezing nights and back out in the morning. 3) Have multiple waterers so that you can alternate should one start to freeze.
One advantage of this style of waterer is that, since water freezes at the top of the container first, the nipples being at the bottom will buy you some extra time between changes.

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