Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

i dont know if anyone could read the post from earlier so who all is going to the grange fair today over near centre hall? there is suposed to be a poultry show
didn't know...shoot!
Well, have fun for all of us who can't make it.
Thank you,
Your little GD is adorable! And the brownies look awesome!:drool
I hope you know how many special memories you are gifting that little girl....I was lucky enough to grow up with my grandma just a quick walk away...I can't tell you how many hours and days I spent at her place cooking and gardening and helping with chores but I can tell you that to this day those memories are precious to me.

As for the birds....I guess the hens are happy and secure feeling because they do love raising little ones. We had a handful of mutts to start with, and have a pure Black Australorp rooster in charge of the eggers coop, we also now have a few Buckeye hens, some white rock hens and roosters, the Silver pencil rocks, a couple of Barred rock hens, 2 black jersey giant hens and a bunch of Light Sussex.
I can say that the only breed which hasn't had a broody hen is the barred rocks. We have raised a bunch of barnyard mixes and almost all of them have gone broody by the time they are a year and most brood at least once a year, we have a couple who are reliable for a spring and fall hatch and then we have a few (mostly the silkie mixes and silver pencils) who brood 3 or 4 times a year. Lacey, my favorite SPR hen is currently setting on clutch #4 for the year.
I don't know if we just hit a genetic jackpot as far as broody genes, or if it is the coop set ups or if it is that all of our birds have been broody raised themselves....but the flock is broody crazy for sure!

Your pictures are wonderful and you're broodies are amazing :) I'm definitely thinking that you hit the generic jackpot, at least with the SPR girls. That gene has definitely been passed on lol

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