Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I am thinking of get muscovy. I would like to house them with my chickens. But I do have space to put them some where else if they don't get along. Before I can get any ducks I need to get things around for them

My muscovies live quite happily with my chickens and are content to free range their days away :) I have a kiddie pool that they can use if they want, and they do occasionally, but it's mostly for the geese. One of my ducks, Ebony, is broody right now. I can't remember exactly how long she's been sitting, only a couple weeks so far. I candled her eggs the other night and at least 3 are developing :)
I use to live in Jersey Shore :)
I have 24 Boer goats and 2 Nubians.
I have been talking to my vet. I use what is called Today, it is for cows but can be used on goats. I just gave her a second treatment this morning. Can not drink the milk for 96 hours. hoping it took care of it. thankfully she does not have a fever. She had it when I got her, and I just got her on the 24th.
My picture is of a buck kid that was born in December 2016 his mom was in labor for 12 hours. I did all I could do and had the vet out to help. she had twin boys. surprising alive. but mom died that night. and one of the boys died that night. the one in the picture held on for 3 days and then died. he had a lot of swelling from being squeezed for so long.

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