people with house chickens

Not judging just mostly curious but have you potty trained her or do you spend your life chasing her with wet wipes lol

Wondered as I had an indoor rabbit years ago who was litter box trained and a friend had a cat who used the toilet lol so wondered I'd chooks are tray trainable. They are definatly food motivated as a training tool anyway :)
Not judging just mostly curious but have you potty trained her or do you spend your life chasing her with wet wipes lol

Wondered as I had an indoor rabbit years ago who was litter box trained and a friend had a cat who used the toilet lol so wondered I'd chooks are tray trainable. They are definatly food motivated as a training tool anyway :)

Chicken diapers. They're sold on-line by various companies (similar to the parrot "flight suits" of a few years ago), some folks on BYC sell them, and others have provided free patterns to make them.
Chicken diapers. They're sold on-line by various companies (similar to the parrot "flight suits" of a few years ago), some folks on BYC sell them, and others have provided free patterns to make them.

Yes but the OP said this was a thread for diaperless indoor chickens which is why I wondered if they were trainable. Even to a point.
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I haven't tried yet, but i suppose it's possible. Mine avoid pooping on my lap, even though they are coop birds. I think each one had had an accident once, then when i dump them off and express how disgusted i am they generally get the idea and let me know by squirming around and getting down to do their business.
from my experience most indoor chickens prefer certain areas of the house where they like to hang out. they generally only poo in certain areas too...
I'm so glad I found this thread! I have a one month old Serama that I bought that has a serious identity crisis going on. He follows us everywhere, and now lives in the house and only goes out with the dog or when I am in the yard. I bought him just for this reason though. He has a cat carrier for a bed, and sleeps in our room on the floor next to the dog in his little "room". He is so cool and just doesn't want to be with the other chicks in the brood bin or in the coop. He follows me from room to room and flies on my shoulder whenever he wants. I love Bob! Him and my corgi Jinx are my shadows!
I'm so glad I found this thread! I have a one month old Serama that I bought that has a serious identity crisis going on. He follows us everywhere, and now lives in the house and only goes out with the dog or when I am in the yard. I bought him just for this reason though. He has a cat carrier for a bed, and sleeps in our room on the floor next to the dog in his little "room". He is so cool and just doesn't want to be with the other chicks in the brood bin or in the coop. He follows me from room to room and flies on my shoulder whenever he wants. I love Bob! Him and my corgi Jinx are my shadows!
House bird chicken is a great companion.
When Dottie was inside I would put her in the bird cage intermittently during the day. She seemed to do potty in there when she would eat.
Might give a try to a bird cage for potty training. She did pretty good. I also used a diaper for the times when she was not in her bird cage.
House bird chicken is a great companion.
When Dottie was inside I would put her in the bird cage intermittently during the day. She seemed to do potty in there when she would eat.
Might give a try to a bird cage for potty training. She did pretty good. I also used a diaper for the times when she was not in her bird cage.

Yeah we are getting a cage today and going to set it up so Bob has a place to eat, drink and forage. He likes going outside but only if I'm with him and the mail lady thinks its hysterical when he follows me to the mailbox to check the mail. We are going to try some potty training and I'm sure as he gets older we can come up with a system of some kind.
Quote:Originally Posted by Sophia5 Get a mini breed (or two if you aren't going to spend a lot of time fussing with them) and make yourself a good sized aviary! One bird needs a lot of "us" time or it will be lonely, so if you work a lot you will want at least 2. You won't get breakfast, but the mini's are just as fun as the big ones and some only get between cockatiel and parrot size. :) My d'uccles are just above cockatiel size and 2 fit well in a large dog kennel; if i was keeping them inside permanently i'd build a cool aviary that's bigger though. I want 4x8, or at least 2x8-6? I have a spare room that's being converted into my "bird" room with a comfey yard couch area to relax and watch them, drink coffee etc. :D

The thing to consider when looking into an indoor chicken is the bigger the bird, the bigger the poops. Any meat in the diet and it gets rank really quickly; there are supplements for birds just like cats that reduce the odor. Also chickens create lots of dust and feathers especially when they shed during their molting times, so you don't want a lot of curios, books, or deep carpet if you are doing a bird area. A finer mesh "hardware cloth" when building your aviary would help keep the feathers in their area.

Really i don't see them as any different than a parrot, if you like birds in general you would be fine with a house bird.

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