people with house chickens

I have a house chicken named Ethel, she is the tiniest (and cutest) Mille Fluer d'Uccle bantam. She sleeps in my room, either in a bowl on my nightstand, or on a perch on my nightstand. She has it made!
I have a house chicken named Ethel, she is the tiniest (and cutest) Mille Fluer d'Uccle bantam. She sleeps in my room, either in a bowl on my nightstand, or on a perch on my nightstand. She has it made!

I would love to see a picture! D'uccles are so pretty!
I have a house chicken named Ethel, she is the tiniest (and cutest) Mille Fluer d'Uccle bantam. She sleeps in my room, either in a bowl on my nightstand, or on a perch on my nightstand. She has it made!

I would love to see a picture! D'uccles are so pretty!
JacquiJ, I would get a picture, but it's like she purposely dodges the camera. The best picture of her that I have is blurry at the head, and anyways, when I try to bluetooth it to my computer from my mom's phone (my phone won't bluetooth), the computer keeps rejecting it. But if you look at any Mille Fluer d'Uccle picture, you can get a general idea of what she looks like. She was getting horribly pecked by bigger girls, so we took her in to the house for a couple of days, then weeks, then two months passed by and by then I had made a perch for her (I'm a good whittler) and kind of like an unspoken rule, she was a house chicken. Ethel learned somehow to poo in the same place as our cat- in the litter box. She gets along with everybody, even our house cat (and the ones outside), our inside/outside dog, and most importantly my dad. He had a strong "no farm animals in the house" rule, and my mom agreed with him. But the wounds and bare patches on Ethel's back softened him up.
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Wrong thread! sorry
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JacquiJ, I would get a picture, but it's like she purposely dodges the camera. The best picture of her that I have is blurry at the head, and anyways, when I try to bluetooth it to my computer from my mom's phone (my phone won't bluetooth), the computer keeps rejecting it. But if you look at any Mille Fluer d'Uccle picture, you can get a general idea of what she looks like. She was getting horribly pecked by bigger girls, so we took her in to the house for a couple of days, then weeks, then two months passed by and by then I had made a perch for her (I'm a good whittler) and kind of like an unspoken rule, she was a house chicken. Ethel learned somehow to poo in the same place as our cat- in the litter box. She gets along with everybody, even our house cat (and the ones outside), our inside/outside dog, and most importantly my dad. He had a strong "no farm animals in the house" rule, and my mom agreed with him. But the wounds and bare patches on Ethel's back softened him up.  

Lol that's the complete opposite of my girl. She poses for the camera! It's hard not to be softened by the under dog. I'm super jealous that she potty trained herself! We finally broke down and got mine a diaper.

This is Dottie as a baby. The others would just run over her.
I took her out and kept inside ever sense. She is 19 weeks old now.

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