people with house chickens

Keeping your animals secure at night is a good plan, because the raccoon will come back now that it knows there are prey to get
We keep ours in at night because we live by the canyon and have raccoons and coyotes walking right down the center of our street...never wanna chance it!!!!
We lock up ours, too, but they didn't have a shed thing. They did have a coop, and an uncovered run outside of it.
We lock up ours, too, but they didn't have a shed thing. They did have a coop, and an uncovered run outside of it. sorry! We have ours inside the house at night..she has a little sleep cage area during the day we have an enclosure because I have heard about predators getting to the animals through fencing...and around here the coyotes come out without fear!!!! Can't leave any small animals out...price to pay for living by the canyon!
Grrrr... a **** raccoon came in and took Butterbean last night. My dad said he found her this morning headless.. I don't want ANY of my chickens to die, but why is it always the Buff Orpingtons?

Slower, larger then the rest. I'm so sorry for you loss. This is why Pancake will never spend a night outside. Not unless I have extra-secure fencing.
She was. She was sleeping on a log next to the fence, and it ripped open the fence and got her. The raccoon dragged her out of the pen.
You need more than a fence. A solid coop is needed to protect from nighttime critters. I am surprised it only took one - usually they keep killing. I've had fishers rip though fencing too.

Got a trap? If you can catch it then you can dispatch it.
Just wanted to show a picture of how my coop is where the roosts come close to the walls.

I used 1x2" welded wire for the exoskeleton and put 1x1/2" hardware cloth inside, where the roosts come next to the welded wire.

On the bottom 3 feet, I have 1x1/4" hardware cloth.

That's how Fort Knox open pens should be fortified!!!! I knew you would have it done right subhanalah!!!
They have just been in love and so inseparable!! Whenever Blu gets too far from Finn, he goes running over to her and herds her back into his sight. I've been starting to free range him more since he has had no more problems with the neighbors rooster being here, he knows his place after being attacked by Finn.

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