people with house chickens

Need diaper help! I got a set of baby diapers meant for the various stages of duckling growth...but how do you use these things? Do you put the head through first and pin the back together, slip the whole thing on in one swoop, do the tail first THEN the head, what?
I've never even had to put on a human diaper before, how the heck am I gonna deal when there's a Z axis thrown in?!
Finally put some pictures from my camera onto my computer today! The outside ones are a from a few weeks ago and the indoor are from just a few minutes ago. Their feathers have been filling out nicely! I love my girls more than words can say.

Can't believe this! Coon came back and dug up Buttercup's grave, just saw her sticking out of it. Already got a guy coming with a dog.

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