people with house chickens

Had to share a pic of my new Blue Breda juvenile. Sadly, lost her sister after receiving shipment but this one seems to be doing very well. She's tame enough now to jump into my lap on her own and balances better so she doesn't scratch my arm anymore. She preens for a while and then sits down to snuggle. Usually she does this when it gets closer to roosting time. Then I carry her to her kennel for the night. My previous Blue Breda was the same way -- extremely friendly outgoing docile birds. This juvie "Tova" will join the outside flock when she gets bigger and closer to 5 or 6 months old. The yellow feet aren't Tova's but from the silkscreen chicken print on my T-shirt! Tova's feet are white and feathered.
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Awww.such a pretty girl! Sorry you lost her sister:hugsTova sounds like a sweetie!
You know peeps?THIS is what I want to be able to tell people someday:

"Hi!Welcome to The Girls Farm!Look around, Just be careful.There is a Incubator in the kitchen, one in the bedroom two.Uh, Lucy is laying a egg on the bed, and I'm pretty sure Midnight's laying in the washer, Uhhh, OH!Be careful, Mocha is on the Catwalk, she's broody and LOVES to jump down from there and attack people.Oh, and when you leave, careful, chickens are walking in the driveway with the ducks and Guineas.Enjoy!"
LOL...LOVE it!!!!
I have an inside chicken too! We don't know the sex, so I will be calling it an "it" I named it Stella Jr. If it is a boy I will call him Jr., but if it's a girl, the name will stay the same. Anyway, it sleeps in a large dog carrier, but during the day I take it outside (it follows me everywhere) or it has free range of the house! When we watch TV, it likes to snuggle with me (on a towel, of course)! I plan to keep it whether or not it's a rooster. I might make a crow colar.... Well, I'll keep y'all posted!
I have an inside chicken too! We don't know the sex, so I will be calling it an "it" I named it Stella Jr. If it is a boy I will call him Jr., but if it's a girl, the name will stay the same. Anyway, it sleeps in a large dog carrier, but during the day I take it outside (it follows me everywhere) or it has free range of the house! When we watch TV, it likes to snuggle with me (on a towel, of course)! I plan to keep it whether or not it's a rooster. I might make a crow colar.... Well, I'll keep y'all posted!
Awww ...congrats! Post a pic when you get a chance! These are our new indoor babies...6 weeks old..Roofus, Fiona and Sydney
Well, I have chicks in a pen in the house, just hatched out Saturday. Not sure it that
However I have one hen who insists on laying her egg in the bathroom. We live in a quanset (SP?) hut and she comes in if the doors open and no matter how many time I carry her back to the nest box she manages to sneak in and leave an egg then she goes back out with the rest of the flock.
I just gave up finally, she won!lol
I ordered new babies today SLW, GLW, White Rocks, and Australorps, later Im'm getting Light Brahmas and Blue Cochins from a breeder. My husband told me today that if one of the new girls doesent make it outside that he'll build a nice indoor coop for Gabby. I just am not sure if I'd have the heart to put her in it.
I know this is an Old post, but my question is...where does Miss Gabby sleep if she doesn't have an indoor coop. I have 2 house chickens, and I don't want to keep them in a cage at night. I would like to have a place they can perch/roost on and they can come and go as they please. So I'm trying to find idea's, and asking other people with house chickens, where their girls sleep.
If others read this, i love your input. Thanks, Jacquie
i would LOVE to have an inside chicken but I can't. I have a hen named Sophia that sits on my lap and gets mad if i take her off-I would have her inside. On second thought, she might miss the outdoors. Anyway, I think it is so cool that you guys have inside chickens.

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