people with house chickens

What happened that made you decide that you have to get rid of her? Does someone know about her? I understand that there are chickens running everywhere in Hawaii. Is it like one particuliar breed that is protected or something? I hope if you do decide to give her away you find a good home for her. Maybe someplace where you can still visit her. I am so sorry that you have to make this decision.

I just took my kids and went and visited my ducks and the silkies boys that I gave up when my chicken fight started. Everyone looks so good and is so happy, it makes me feel a little better...less guilty about having to give them up.
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I love that picture! a house chicken would be nice, but I have too many house dogs and a cat. My injured/ sick birds have to hang out in the bathroom for safety and security.
It is very true that there are chickens everywhere in Hawaii. A couple of my neighbors know about her... A few of them don't care. Chickpea doesn't bother them so why should they be involved.. One of them is super gossipy, but I don't think she'd report me, there is one girl who I will be holding my breath until she leaves the nighborhood... She's mean, and doesn't like Chickpea, she's the one that yelled at me chickens are diseased.. Her hubby is getting kicked out so I would hope that she's got enough on her plate to not have to worry about me, but she could always find the time to make somebody miserable.. But everytime I get to hear my hubby's voice on the phone he has this certain tone when asking about her, not a bad tone... I can tell the difference though.. And then a sigh when I excitedly tell him how big she is.. Even though she friendly and diaper trained she is still considered farm-stock... I think that I may just be paranoid right now.. That my husband won't her, and maybe I preparing myself before he gets home that he doesn't? I'm hoping that he will like her, but I know he is not happy that I brought her home without asking because I knew he would have said no... I just know that he didn't want her in the first place, and that if anybody were to say anything he can get into trouble, he just made a new rank and don't want to put him into any position where he could lose that... Although I don't think he'd lose rank for a chicken who knows.. Sometimes I'm not a fan of all these rules, I can have a parakeet if I wanted.. But I don't want one of those...

My boss wanted chickens, I remember her saying that she got 4. 2 died, and one ended up MIA so it was probably dead too... And one turned into a rooster.. A very pretty rooster, I saw him last time I was at their farm, he made his disapproving rooster noice at me when I went into the greenhouse

So seeing as how he never wanted this chicken, my hubby, maybe he will see how much I love her and will reluctantly let me keep her. If not.. Well, maybe my boss will take her in and depending how often I am up at the farm I will see her
So far it's only once a week, but I'm hoping to increase my hours.. So I may be up there a few times a week..

Fishnet, that is a very cute pic. Your ladies look to happy, are you back on the mainland?

So well after explaining myself I think I am just freaking out and preparing myself for worse case scenario when my man gets home. and I'm way stressed out because I want everything to be perfect for him, too. So I think really I am just blowing everything little thing out of proportion right now.. I can't help it, I haven't seen this man that i love for two months, and he'll only be home for a month before going out for another two.. I just want him to be happy as a clam for the next month..

Sorry my internal mind drama:rolleyes:.... I will let you how it goes this weekend..
iluvcks: Thanks so much for the feedback. The more I look at Cochin bantams the more I like them. And they come in so many colors! I also think I'd love a Buff Orp. That was the kind ChuChu (my grey) saw at the bird hospital that she found so fascinating. XD (And thanks to everyone else for the Cochin feedback!)

mylittlechickpea: Oh no. I hope he is okay with you keeping her. You obviously love her so very much. I know military regulations are so tough, several of my friends are military lives and it can be hard. Not just the rules, but the long times away and the constant moving. Chickpea can be there with you when your husband can't be, so I hope there's no risk to your husband's job, and that he says she can stay. I understand wanting to make things perfect for your hubby, too. I'm a total worrier who wants to make everyone happy! Remember you deserve to be happy too.
i didnt know that... All my girls are big girls... now think about all those bantams I could fit in my coop in 5 to 15 years when my big girls die off.
So I received an email from my hubs this morning, and well, I'm still not sure if he's thrilled to come home to a chicken running around the house, but he lovingly told me that I'm just being retarded and I shouldn't get rid of her because I raised her and I love her and she keeps me company when he's away. He said if I'm that worried about him getting into trouble for my not asking if I can have creatures before bringing them home we can find a new place. Although, he's been trying to convince me to move since we got here...
He doesn't like that they take his whole bah for living in housing.. and although he is convinced we can find a cheaper place that is just as nice I am very skeptical. We lived in awful conditions in New York and I'm afraid of living in squalid conditions with a more than horrible d-bag landlord all over again... But I guess if I can keep my chicken and he's happy there's no harm in looking...

FYI, he didn't call me a tard... but I think he knows I just am being paranoid and stressed...

Although, if we do move where they are allowed maybe I can do some chicken math and add a couple more..
I live in Waialua on the north shore and have 8 hens and one roo. It is totally ok out here in the country to have chickens! the only problem is the drive into town, but I am used to it after many, many years. So, if you are going to move, consider the country!
I was looking at places after I got the email, and I wouldn't mind it so much living elsewhere, although I'm not the one who has to drive all the way down to Pearl everyday
I work for a lady for the farmers market, the company is called Maunaliwi Greens, and her place in Windward Oahu which is about 30-45 drive for me, but that's only a couple times a week and the drive is B-E-A-U-tiful!!

Do you know of any rental properties up there? We just got here in January so if all goes according to plan we're here for another 2 1/2 years. The only things though is that I think he thinks he might save money by living elsewhere, and all the places I'm finding are about the same... Plus we'd have to pay on top of that for electricity and water and all that good stuff, which is currently included at no extra expense...

He's got family over in Makakilo, so not sure if he'd want to look over there? I just want to feel safe where ever we decide to go..

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