people with house chickens

Me too.

I would love to let 'the girls' (2 x RIR) inside with 'the boys' (2 x half-brother Jack Russell') but;

Can they be relied on to 'control' themselves AT ALL?

My backyard has taken a pounding since we've had chickens.

Can't imagine them lasting long inside.

But, we love 'em.

So, I would love to let them inside.

I am an urban hive dweller. I live in a 1000ft condo, and I have 12 indoor chickies in my home. There's an urban bylaw ban on chickens where I live so I can't let them outside. Currently, I have a pair of Seramas, a trio of silkies, 4 cochin chicks that are 6 weeks old and 3 that are 3 weeks old. I love them all to death. Every single one has a sweet temperment, even the serama roo that likes to put on the tough guy act, all 16oz of him
will come get food out of my hand. He's pretty funny. He'll come take the food out of my hand, drop it on the floor and call the hen over like he just found it while he was hard at work foraging the kitchen floor. God forbid she find out it actually came from me. LOL He is really good to his hen. He always makes sure she eats. Even if they have very little food in the cage, it seems he will let her eat first. If I bring treats to their cage, he'll grab the first one, and give it to her. He always guards her where ever she is. He pushes back my min pins away from her like a body guard but he hasn't actually ever so much as even pecked them yet. He puts on a good show and they back off right away. She is very sweet too. She dotingly follows him around the kitchen lovingly. There's a push to allow urban hens where I am now, but it doesn't help him any. There is no way I would ever part these two. They are so bonded, they would be absolutely lost and heart broken without each other.
Got some new pics of Trophy and her buddy, Curly. Trophy just gets prettier and prettier, and I love her color. She's getting better about not trying to pick out our eyeballs. She's very friendly and I love her dearly! Curly is getting to be really cute and curly. She's 3 weeks younger, and the size difference is funny. Curly hides under Trophy every chance she gets, and is definitely the more shy of the two.

Trophy is now 9 weeks, and Curly is 6 weeks.

I bought mine from they work pretty good. I've had them for a few days now and my chics are getting used to them. I'll add pics when I can.

Josanne, your curly looks like my fizzle LOL. My sister-n-law and my mother thing she looks like a buzzard. Poor thing, hopefully she will grow out of that stage but I still love her!
Ack! Chickpea finally jumped the fence on Saturday.... I had taken a nap, and set my alarm for one hour... One hour turned into four.. When I went out to go check on her I didn't see her anywhere!! I called her name out, and heard a little "bup, bup" And saw her through the fence.. Silly chicken. I went around to where she was, she looked a bit confused, and didn't try to run when I caught her, and seemed happy to be placed back into the patio... I made her a special egg with some corn and grated carrot to entice her to stay in.. She hasn't left again, so I'm hoping that adventure was enough for her. Oh, my little Chickpea. What to do..
We currently have house chicks but were not gonna keep them in here forever. When there old enough to be in there coop we'll put them out there. But I think having a house chicken sounds nice besides having to clean up after them..When we first brought are little chicks home and were setting things up for them they love watching tv xD. I wish we could keep the chickens in here but you know they have there own um...unique smell that I'd rather not have near my house..
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Okay, I've read a lot of these posts on this thread, not all, but enough to be convinced that some of you are way, way OUT. There's no way that I'd ever let a chicken into my house unless it were to be cooked.

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