Perfectly round egg!!!

Today I got this really weird egg from my Livorno hen Bella.
On July 18th I opened the hen and she got up the same morning with the eggs and broke the egg I marked purple and another. That same morning I put 4 more eggs so that she had 13 eggs under her and when her sister laid, i.e. hatched 9 chicks, I moved the sister to another place and put her under 13 eggs. She took to the eggs well and all 13 eggs are under her and a chick is starting to hatch from that perfect round egg so it will most likely hatch soon so I will take pictures for you.
@gimmie birdies
@Hedgeland Farms

Sorry if my english is bad.
The eggs are probably going to hatch on all different days. This is generally ok, except the hen might want to take her first chicks out and about before the others hatch. Also, do you let your broody hen out of the box sometimes so she can eat and drink?

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