Personality change when they begin to lay?

My Leghorn Hen just started laying 4 days ago and she is Very Ready to stand for a Rooster. I can walk up to her and she will squat down and let me pick her up. She is going through a change from Peep to Hen. I hope she will get over her hormonal changes soon and get back to enjoying her chicken life. Still it's funny to watch her....
All of my little pekins started getting ready to lay at the same time - they were mad as hornets! I knew one was going to lay one morning, because she was zooming around the backyard hollering and flipping out. After four hours, a tiny egg was produced. Her sisters went through the same process a few days later. There was a lot of pecking and complaining. The rooster was like this:
My leghorns all got a little nasty to the other hens a few days before they started to lay. I started a thread asking this very question and did not get many responses. The sex links did not change their behavior, but are much sweeter then the leghorns to begin with. The leghorns not only got more aggressive for a few days, they got prejudice only going after the brown chickens lol. All seem to be back to normal now after a month or so of laying.
My three pullets have all started to lay since the middle of July. The Buff Orpington and the Barred Rock, the more dominant of the three, all became very noisy about two weeks before they started laying. Once they started giving me eggs, I noticed that they have all become friendlier, more mellow towards me but that could be because I've been giving them lots of treats from the garden. They run to me rather than away from me now.
I can now answer my original question on this thread. When they began to lay, the whole group settled down and stopped being so peckish. They spend a great deal of time before, during and after laying being concerned with nests and nesting, not dominating other birds.

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My girls haven't started laying yet but im seeing more signs that they are getting close and two of the three have certainly became much more noisey, demanding sounding and pecking on me personally a great deal more. I hope it's hormonal or even the "teenage" years and will settle down soon.

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