Pet Peeves........

Does a humble person really know that they are humble?....Just a thought.

Makes one think. Would a humble person tells others that they are humble?
Does a humble person really know that they are humble?....Just a thought.

Makes one think. Would a humble person tells others that they are humble?

Eating at a food place with barbarian people... Trying to enjoy your meal with your fam and all you can hear is f-bombs floating about, loud children with loud parents, and bad table manners. Also when people constantly glare at you when you're eating. When I was a little younger my parents and I went to Sizzlers out in town because the food used to be good and it was cheap. Not sure what happened, new management or something, but the food wasn't good as it was and the enviroment changed alot. I am not a racist but literally the whole place was full of black people minus a couple waiters, dad, mom, and I. Nothing wrong with that except the f-bombs, loud children/loud parents, and them staring at us. My dad was getting glared at like crazy. We left in a hurry as we were uncomfortable. Now, before someone becomes cross with me, it was not the race that made us uncomfortable, it was the behaviour. <<< I just have to get that clear because if you don't people go crazy on you. (For good reason)
You help someone once and they become big time moochers. And when you tell them enough is enough they start doing bad things. Lemme tell ya another story, where my mom and I almost got ran-over.
New to our little desert town (not even a town lol, just houses and 1 store) we lived in a small rented house. New neighbors welcomed us and we shared food when appropriate, like BBQs and stuff like that. I made friends with some neighbors across the street, my first best friend! Well, after awhile some new people moved in next door to us. My parents welcomed them and offered food. They took it... Then they started asking for more... Almost everyday.. They became rather annoying as they never did anything for us, after awhile we told them "no please leave us alone". Our gas was being stolen from our cars and tires were being cut with a knife. Their kids were poking my dogs with sticks through the backyard fence.
The kids would come onto our property and play without my parents' persmission, or mine. I asked if they could leave (I was very young and so were they) and they usually glared at me and ignored me. Then I scared them off. I hid behind my front door and I pretended to be the door, like a talking door, and surprisingly they reacted to that. I don't remember what I said but they stopped trespassing.

They moved and again pesky, moochie neighbors moved in. Like in the other story they became too much, we told them to please leave us alone, and they harrassed us. They made false reports to police like tumbleweeds in our backyard as a fire hazard and hearing screaming at night, like my mother was beating me. Plus they called from a payphone so the police here couldn't do anything about the false reports. Their rottweiler and husky chased me up a playset slide, they were stealing our dog food (another neighbor's dog food too), the guy there got into our garage and peed in our gallon water bottles, gas was being stolen again, and one of them tried to run my mother and I over while we were getting mail.

Police didn't do anything except say "oh those tire tracks could have been from anything" ... Don't even question the neighbors huh? Where'd you get your police licenses? On the back of cereal boxes?

Moral of both stories : I have too many pet peeves. Lol.
Just trying to say that I'm just a nice young lady who would rather listen to what someone has to say instead of acting like a know it all. Sorry to get your panties in a wad..
what does [SIC] mean I hate this they are typing something then use this I have no clue and feel a tad dumb because I don't know what this means don't know if this qualifies as a pet peve but it is annoying to me.

(sic) is used after a word or phrase that seems to be wrongly spelled or not accurate, in order to show that it was quoted accurately from the source, often uncommon or archaic.
Unless it's some modern abbreviation like LOL.
I think if it is spelled wrong you put (sp?) OY VEY can you use this in a sentence I never get it when I read it it is like it dioesn't belong there.


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