Pet Peeves........

That type of royal back-biting hasnt changed since the beginning of English royalty, hundreds and hundresd of years ago, and its still the same.....
That type of royal back-biting hasnt changed since the beginning of English royalty, hundreds and hundresd of years ago, and its still the same.....

and as for your mom in the hospital....

the posted visiting hours are usually the tiles that the staff are not doing things.... so physical therapy... bathing..... doctors visits... ect....

MOST hospitals will allow spouses children or parents to visit during the "non visiting hour" times unless the visit is causing discomfort for the patient or room mate.... so if mom is trying to sleep and you are there keeping her awake or if the room mate has complained thats usually the only time there is an issue.

most times the nurses will appreciated the extra help except when it comes to transfers.. like moving mom from the wheelchair to the bed or from the bed to the commode... because then there is a fall risk and the hospital is responsible for your moms safety and if something happens then they are on the hook for it... but stuff like helping her sit up... or position changes to prevent bed sores or applying lotion (which will also prevent bed sores by keeping the circulation going) getting drinks... ect... this is all stuff that frees up the nurses time because if you were not there then the nurse would have to do it. Ask the charge nurse whats ok for you to do. I do home care nursing and a lot of my private contracts are for the elderly that are in the hospital I will go and chat with them for an hour or so and because I have my own insurance I will transfer them to the wheelchair and go to the gardens.. but if there is a new staff member I will get flack for the transfer until its been cleared by the charge nurse, or until they get to know me.
When I have loved ones in hospital, I visit whenever I want. Help where I can and don't even give it a moments thought about someone not liking what I do. They are my loved ones & I'm paying the bills, so they will get over it. If they don't, they can post it as their pet peeve on this forum.

My pet peeve is my wife will follow me all over house shutting off lights, closing doors tight if I step out to get something but yet she leaves lights on any room she has been in or might go in. Has never closed a door behind her when she goes outside even in middle of blizzard--somebody might get her. Don't get me started on closing refrigerator doors..............
let me play the devils advocate then for a minute ... So you are visiting your mom and talking loud and keeping me awake when I should be resting because lets face it this is a hospital and I must be there for some reason... why should I have to put up with your disregard for the rules when I am the one paying for MY bills? there is a fine line... and some dont like the constant traffic when they are unwell...

or let me try another... I go by your rules and I have visitors when ever I want and I start fighting with my mom....and it really bothers your mom... Oh I am sure your mom will get over it..... not so nice when the shoe is on the other foot...
let me play the devils advocate then for a minute ... So you are visiting your mom and talking loud and keeping me awake when I should be resting because lets face it this is a hospital and I must be there for some reason... why should I have to put up with your disregard for the rules when I am the one paying for MY bills? there is a fine line... and some dont like the constant traffic when they are unwell...

or let me try another... I go by your rules and I have visitors when ever I want and I start fighting with my mom....and it really bothers your mom... Oh I am sure your mom will get over it..... not so nice when the shoe is on the other foot...

Understandable, in Indiana you have seperate rooms, but that aside. The idea of causing problems (loud quarreling) never even crossed my mind. I assumed people wouldn't cause problems at the hospital as the reason you are there is #1, everything else will wait. I don't go to visit, I've learned (through the hard knocks school) that if you aren't there, the quality of care gets real bad. Nurses are over worked and some are just plain bad. If I'm there in non-visiting hours, my loved ones are in bad shape and I'm going to be there. Usually just sitting in chair, doing paperwork or napping while they do. But yes, it would bother me if roommate's family decided it would be a great time to get into screaming match--and I WOULD SAY SOMETHING TO THEM and there would be NO ROOM for debate on my thoughts. Want to argue, take it outside, that's reason hospitals have security. Visiting hours are for visiting, no problem with that concept. I do follow that.
let me play the devils advocate then for a minute ... So you are visiting your mom and talking loud and keeping me awake when I should be resting because lets face it this is a hospital and I must be there for some reason... why should I have to put up with your disregard for the rules when I am the one paying for MY bills? there is a fine line... and some dont like the constant traffic when they are unwell...

or let me try another... I go by your rules and I have visitors when ever I want and I start fighting with my mom....and it really bothers your mom... Oh I am sure your mom will get over it..... not so nice when the shoe is on the other foot...

Understandable, in Indiana you have seperate rooms, but that aside. The idea of causing problems (loud quarreling) never even crossed my mind. I assumed people wouldn't cause problems at the hospital as the reason you are there is #1, everything else will wait. I don't go to visit, I've learned (through the hard knocks school) that if you aren't there, the quality of care gets real bad. Nurses are over worked and some are just plain bad. If I'm there in non-visiting hours, my loved ones are in bad shape and I'm going to be there. Usually just sitting in chair, doing paperwork or napping while they do. But yes, it would bother me if roommate's family decided it would be a great time to get into screaming match--and I WOULD SAY SOMETHING TO THEM and there would be NO ROOM for debate on my thoughts. Want to argue, take it outside, that's reason hospitals have security. Visiting hours are for visiting, no problem with that concept. I do follow that.

I have been in the room across the hall in the ICU and the family was dividing up grandmas possessions while grandma was lying there on her death bed .. it was whisper yelling... (does that make sense)... you could tell the environment was tense and you could hear the anger in the whisper voices... death brings out the worst in some people... I have a few horror stories... but we will save that for another time..LOL .. PM me if you want to hear some of the things I have watched people do when looking after loved ones on their death bed.
No thanks, DAR, I deal with people all the time. Some people just don't need to be in the gene pool..

Death does bring out the worst, as I watched that in my own families.
Another pet peeve of mine is something some chicken breeders do.. My mom, dad, and I were having a discussion about it. You know when breeders sell some offspring off as show quality birds, when really the birds they're selling are the ones that they don't want to breed? The ones that are culled because they don't fit the standard.. Yeah that.. The breeder will let the offspring grow out so they can go through and pick which ones are top quality and sell the ones that aren't so top quality but sell them like they are. There's nothing wrong with selling the birds, but false advertising? Really?

And if they have an ad for the birds they only show the parent birds for a picture... Yeah the parent birds are Standard of Perfection... But the ones being sold to you aren't... I just hate getting birds that are sold to me as show quality but then finding out they're pet quality. You're so excited but then you realize you've been duped. I don't have any fine quality birds and if I ever sell any I don't put false information. If they are so-so, I put so-so. If they are layers, I put layers.
This happens with dogs alot too. And other animals.
I also notice that some of these breeders never sell the birds as youngins or chicks, that kind of also adds to the slim chances of getting a quality looking bird. I don't mean to offend anyone who does this for reasonable reasons though.

Or getting hatching eggs and whatever hatches isn't what you ordered.. Yeah.

And when someone wants you to pay first before seeing/getting the birds. What if I wanna take a look at it first? Lol.
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