Pet Peeves........

Owl, did you just read my mind?

I have a few examples I would probably like to name and shame, but won't as that might get me into trouble.
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ray's two cents :

Owl, did you just read my mind?

I have a few examples I would probably like to name and shame, but won't as that might get me into trouble.

People with improper grammar
People who use like every third word
Leaving the microwave with a few seconds still on it
Expecting me to magically appear if you so much as think my name but being unresponsive to my shouting for help across the house
Asking why I don't eat my rooster
And my absolute most ticked off moments ever: I was recovering from severing my ACL and had to miss my senior season of two sports and my friend was complaining about how she didn't want to run that afternoon. I was currently in physical therapy to see if I would ever run again.
My aunt came to visit me after my surgery and while she was there my very old dog who had recently had a stroke accidently pooped on the floor. While it was no big deal for the rest of us she looked at me (remember, I'm on pain meds) and said it looked like it was time to put my dog down. PS. The dog was happy and not in pain and we loved her.
People that are constantly hounding me to go back to college. If I don't want to go 80k in debt for a piece of paper that certifies that I may or may not get a decent job, that's my choice da**it!

The drivers of Sacramento. I swear, no matter where I go, the worlds worst drivers follow me there.

Men with no class or manners. I have given up on going anywhere in this city without my husband. The few times that I did go grocery/clothes shopping by myself, I was followed around, cat-called, whistled at, and generally harrassed by the trashier portion of the male populace of Sacramento. One man went so far as to follow me out of Winco to my car, all the while hollering "MMMMM gurl! Where you been at!? You are one BEAUTIFUL young woman! MM MMMMM MM". I figured out that he wasn't going to stop, so I started hollering for security and he backed off. Guess I have an unusually large posterior

People who come into my office wanting a job, but treat me like the cr@p on their shoes. Do they seriously think that my impression of them doesn't have any effect on their chances at employment? More than one person has lost their chance at a job here because they were rude to me. One man even went so far as to make fun of our Senior Program Director (who happens to be my father) after he left the room. He tried to pull me into the joke and earned an icy stare for his troubles. Once he finished his application and turned it in, I simply smiled, told him I would file it in it's proper place... and put it through the shredder right in front of him. I then explained that the man he had been making fun of was not only the big boss, but my father was well. The guy looked like he wished the floor would just swallow him whole. I doubt he will ever do anything like that while applying for a job again.

Co-workers that I have known for almost 4 years, that still don't use my name if they don't think I can hear them. It usually is in the context of "Oh just have *the receptionist* do it. That's what she's here for." I have a name thank you very much. Use it.

People who treat me with baby-gloves just because I have a connective tissue/joint disorder. I don't limit myself, and you have no right to limit me either. I don't want your crutch.

One word. Telemarketers.

.... Wow! I am kind of a peevey person! Haha
When I have friends over for a BBQ or just a random get together for a couple hours. The next morning when I am cleaning up and I grab a can of soda or a beer and it's 90% full. Irks me every time.

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