Pictures of my chicks.....


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 28, 2014
We received chicks on May 6th and they are doing good. Decided to take some close-up pics....they are so cute. :)

Ordered 6 Rhode Island Reds, 4 Australop's. Not sure what the yellow chicks breed are?? .....the yellow's chicks are Ideal Poultry idea.....they packed some rooster for, "shipping peanuts" to keep the others warm. Did some research, and they might be Golden Sex Links?? I guess I could call Ideal and ask them. :/
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Oh. My . Gosh.

*dies of cuteness overload*

I remember when my chickens were that young... That was a year ago. I feel so old now

You could probably just call them and ask ;)
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I have raised chickens before, but it has been several boyfriend wanted to raise some, and so here we are.

I have always liked the Rhd. Reds, but he wanted to get some Australorps.....never have raised them before. They will turn out all black and have a green sheen. Chickens are funny to watch. I also used to raise Bobwhite those were fun to watch and they made the prettiest noises. One thing about the quail....they are super territorial! If you put a new bird(s) in with the established flock...they are super mean to them....killing them's crazy to watch. I learned real fast, to not do that again.
Your boyfriend is wise :)

Chickens are very fun to watch. I say they could be a reality show....

Keeping With The Chicken-Dashians

Chicken Dynasty

19 Eggs and Counting

16 Months and Fertile

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