Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

I already lost 4 of them. Due to bad weather, predators, and did i say bad weather? It`s raining raining raining and so cold...!!

I'm so sorry,

can you bring the rest in and brood them? or put mama and ducklings inside away from the weather where she can keep them warm
Oke.... :hit  I already lost 4 of them. Due to bad weather, predators, and did i say bad weather? It`s raining raining raining and so cold...!!

Oh no, that's so sad, I'm sorry. We just helped a friend build a temp house for his momma duck and ducklings. We used random stuff he had laying around, so its not pretty by any means but his ducks free range and its his first time hatching so he wanted to keep them safe. We scooped up momma and the ducklings followed us, we locked them in for the first day, now he opens it in the morning and they leave for small periods but come back lots, they sleep and eat in there. He locks them up at night, he has no heat light, their momma keeps them pretty warm but a box full of straw is where they sleep and theres only 1 smal opening to get in it. It also doesn't get below 10 here at night so its still quite warm, you probably will want to get a heat lamp if the momma isn't keeping them warm enough. Good luck, and hopefully you don't loose any more.
Sadly that`s not an option. The chickencoop is already been taking by the drake, cause of his bad feathers. He get`s wet in the rain. We don`t have much more room left. And above of it all, we will be leaving for a holiday. Remember that? When we come back we will build a new duckcoop. But for now she just have to deal with it. I help her as much as i can, but i can`t stay with her at nighttime.
Surely you dont leave them outside! If you have ducks you need enough space to house them all. My drake gets wet feather and i also dont let him sleep with the females so he has a dog crate in my outhouse

It's so wonderful to see everyone's beautiful babies on here !!! Today I became the proud momma of two Blue Swedish Ducklings ! I was able to find very limited information online about how to care for them, so if anyone can please offer any help I'd surely appreciate it. !! I want to be the best momma that I can !

It's so wonderful to see everyone's beautiful babies on here !!! Today I became the proud momma of two Blue Swedish Ducklings ! I was able to find very limited information online about how to care for them, so if anyone can please offer any help I'd surely appreciate it. !! I want to be the best momma that I can !

& congrats on your little ducklings! Check out this thread and the "Sticky" Threads at the top of the ducks forum. :)
The one in the back looks a little dark to me..... Congrats on your babies! I think that is important to remember to put niacin in their water. What Amiga said is good advice. I read all those threads and posts 6 months ago when my journey began. They really helped me. Also if you have any Q's just post 'em and we will help you!! :)
ahhh seeing all these ducklings make me want to have more....only if they knew how to clean up after themselves ;) going through some pics thought id share some more of my muscovies happy lil fam! The ducklings are now about 13 weeks old, I still cannot believe they grew up so fast!


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