Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

Does anyone hatch ducklings to sell?
I love ducks and would love to try a hatch
But would have to sell them as my husband isn't keen
Because of the noise and mess
Are they much harder than chickens to hatch?
My babies! <3

As for smell, it's a distinct one I'll give that to ya, but it's not that bad. Personally I find cat poop far, FAR worse. I'm fastidious so it hasn't been an issue so far and I doubt it will be in the future for my diaper-clad duck duo!
My babies! [/URL] As for smell, it's a distinct one I'll give that to ya, but it's not that bad. Personally I find cat poop far, FAR worse. I'm fastidious so it hasn't been an issue so far and I doubt it will be in the future for my diaper-clad duck duo!
i hope to get two more ducklings and diapers!
my seven khaki Campbell I got right after Easter (not very social, but are becoming very pretty!)
[/URL] my two sweet baby rouen ducks Parker and paisley (sadly we lost paisley, she was decapitated in our pond
) so far my favorite our of all my ducklings they would follow me everywhere.
[/URL] my little mixture we bought, finding out there were two peeking 1 IN runner and one ancona. Sadly the two Peking were attacked by my neighbors dog

my sweet little indian runner from the mix. She would always have trouble swimming with the others so after she would swim I would take her inside and dry her off and cuddle with her until she was warm again:) so sweet and really the only one who still lets you hold her. and here is everyone now in there pin put up for the night. We will be expecting some eggs soon! So excited for some ducklings! We will have hybrids so I'm excited to see how they turn out !:)
how was it decapitated
Mom & her 6 ducklings. Took her numerous attempts before she hatched any. Still have 1 duckling in the house that she rejected.


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