Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

Hehe I know, right? I can't tell if she's giving me stink-eye or sad puppy dog face. She looks like a little yellow cigar!
Aww she is so adorable. Bless her heart she doesn't look very happy. so did you ever find out what was going on when she was sick? I guess I missed that post somewhere.
I'd say sad puppy dog face.
They cultured her and found she had a respiratory infection so she's on antibiotics now. Hopefully this works, and it's not fungal as I feared. And now she has angel wing! This poor ducky is just a mess. But it's for her own good, I hope she gets used to her wrappings, she's gonna have 'em for a week or so :/ Her medicine is cherry-flavored and she loves that stuff, at least!
Lol, my four yr old daughter swears "he's" a boy. At what age can you determine its gender? S\he is about 4-5 weeks old, I'm getting impatient to find out lol.




Around the 5 or 6 week mark should herald the changing of the voice. Peeping will turn to rasps for a boy and quacks for a girl.

Won't be long :)
Maybe it's just with Call Ducks, but I was pretty sure my Wobbles was a girl by 4 weeks. The girls tend to be more sing-songy, whereas boy peeps will be monotone. Although yours is a Muscovy, so I'm afraid that may not be of much help. :/
Ah, I'm thinking it's a girl, she does "sing" a lot lol. Gotta try getting a video. Muscovy eh? That's a new one to add to the list of possibles lol. Been told she could be a Pekin or a Call Duck.
They cultured her and found she had a respiratory infection so she's on antibiotics now. Hopefully this works, and it's not fungal as I feared. And now she has angel wing! This poor ducky is just a mess. But it's for her own good, I hope she gets used to her wrappings, she's gonna have 'em for a week or so :/ Her medicine is cherry-flavored and she loves that stuff, at least!
She definitely is a diva Lol. Good thing she has a good mommy. :)
Around the 5 or 6 week mark should herald the changing of the voice. Peeping will turn to rasps for a boy and quacks for a girl. Won't be long :)
"She" definitely has high pitched Quacks lol.
Here's my 2 Cayuga Ducks, they were born around Easter, now look at em' cute right?
To cute! I need some black ducks to go with our 5 black cats lol.

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