Pinless Peepers - HELP

Sharon Bee

6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
I'm fairly new to raising chickens. I have been posting for awhile now since I acquired my one day old chicks last May.

I have posted that a few months ago they started eating each other's feathers. I have 11. The brown ones, four, are the worst as their necks are almost bare and their backs are bare. All their rear ends are bare.

It was suggested on this thread that I try pinless peepers after my other attempts failed. i.e. fermented food, treats, red light bulb instead of white, radio on for music in the coop (don't laugh).

I am having a terrible time getting the peepers on !! Does anyone else have this problem? My husband and I tried to do this for the first time this morning. I even had them warming in hot water so they would be more pliable. I have the correct pliers too - snap ring pliers. But we could not align the pegs with their nostrils. The tool was in the way and we couldn't see properly. There must be a knack to this. We hurt one poor chicken too because the peg pierced the membrane BESIDE her nostril and it was bleeding and she was wincing. I immediately released the peeper once I realized what was happening. Oh dear. There has to be an easier way. Finally my husband was able to do it without the pliers - by getting right in front and on top of their head so you can see both nostrils at once but even then, it's difficult. Two have flown off (peepers that is) and two have remained on. But we have 7 more to go. We gave up after this attempt and will try again - doing one at a time. It's too stressful.
We put pinless peepers on our feather pickers last fall. We gave up on the pliers thing as it was a disaster for us. We resorted to sitting on the floor with me holding the chicken, soaking the peepers in really hot water, then when we were all set my hubby put them on the bird from above their head while I hung on to the victim. Two had to be re-applied, but then they stayed on. No matter how we tried, there just isn't an easy way to apply them.

It did slow down the worst of the picking, but one of the gals learned how to pull feathers anyway. We added protein, mealworms, tried to redirect her non-stop. So while it did slow down the other three, the one that just would not stop was removed from the flock. Once she was gone the picking completely stopped.
Hi: We have finally managed to put on most of the chickens except the 4 brown ones that were being picked on the most. Still have one black one to put peepers on yet. The brown ones feathers still haven't improved. In fact one had a peck on her bare back that wasn't there yesterday. I wonder if they are pecking at themselves? Oh dear. I wasn't going to put any on them as they are the worst victims.

I noticed one black one this morning was sitting all puffed up this morning with her head under her wing !! This is not good. Maybe she's stressed from the peepers? What could be causing this?

I'm still getting lots of eggs though. In fact I have a story to tell there.

Will post it on another thread.
I'd put them on everyone to start. When the picking stops, then take them off, one bird at a time, and watch to see what happens.

None of mine puffed up, a few were less than pleased with us for a few days, but they settled right in for the most part.
We removed the peeper from the black one. She was not happy. We realized it was pushing her comb down and maybe was hurting her. I still don't see a difference in them. Maybe the brown ones are the culprits even though they are the worst.
It could very well be the brown ones. I was so worried about my wyandottes getting their feathers picked, it turned out they were picking each other. It took quite awhile but they stopped and are beautiful girls now.

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