PLANTED GARDEN TODAY - anybody planting yet?

math ace

10 Years
Dec 17, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I know there are parts of the country with 2 feet of snow right now - -- -but in FLORIDA . . . .

OK, so I just couldn't take it any longer.
The two weeks of low 20 degree weather that took out everything I had in my garden made me sad. I pulled everything out.

Last week, I cleaned out the garden. Tilled the rows. Weeded. HOW DO WEEDS SURVIVE 20 degree weather? That is sooooo wrong! !

Today, I added some of my super dupper pooper compost. GRAND FINALE - - - I planted some more seeds. I just can't look at the empty garden any longer.

ok, i have to say this! how unfair!!!
it has been soooo cold up here that i am just wanting the warm weather to kick in and let me plant outside! i want to get my garden growing so i don't have to grocery shop for veggies anymore!
My peas, beans, corn, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, are all looking great. I need to get pics and post them....
I'm a rookie gardener...this is my first year and I'm pretty nervous about it. I'm afraid I'll end up with dead plants and beautiful weeds.

So far, I've started filling my raised bed, and I planted seeds in my little Jiffy greenhouse thing inside. Hopefully I will have the raised bed ready for the seedlings to be transplanted in a few weeks.
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We are really behind...we should have had onions in and should have planted potatoes by Feb. 1st.

We haven't even gotten it tilled up yet, and it is going to rain...again, tomorrow, so it doesn't look like it's going to happen for a few more days.

I have to get my free-rangers that have claimed the garden as their territory penned up before anything sprouts, though.


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