"play pens" for chickens?

It would be a little more cluncky to move unless you drag it, but you could get a hog panel or something similar from your local feed/ranch supply place and just use wire or zip ties to close it into a circle. It's sturdy enough that you wouldn't need any stakes. You can just drag it to a new spot when you want to move them. If you don't want to use th whole length you can also cut them to make them smaller. You'll also probably be able to get one tall enough that the chickens can't jump or fly out.
I just use the step in electric fence posts, the white plastic ones, and 4ft plastic poultry netting. The netting is abuot 12 bucks, and the posts are 2 bucks a piece. For 20 bucks i was able to make a HUGE play area that was easily moveable.

Was it my whole website that wasn't appearing? or is it just the one picture? If you get my website displayed... then move allllllll the way over to the right. I'm an idiot when it comes to this stuff and I couldn't figure out how to lay out my page so the pictures weren't all in the same row like that....
If you can't get my website displayed.... then I will just try to email you the picture...

This is my "tractor". I only use it in a fenced area. It is 4x8. I made it using 2x2s (8 ft.long) and plastic chicken wire. It is not preditor proof, but does afford groups of birds an outing, an opportunity to eat some grass. It cost about $40 to make.
This is what I did as well. I have two ex-pens that are 4' high; I clip them together with snap clips to make a good size pen for my five girls. Since they're still young and like to stretch their wings a bit, I added a sheet from the thrift store that I clip on top with clothespins. I've sunk two pieces of re-bar and attached them to the pen with zip ties so it's a bit sturdier in the wind. It was also nice in the hot weather when I could squirt the sheet with a hose and get a bit of evaporative cooling going.

It works well at keeping the girls in but it's certainly NOT predator proof so I only put them in when someone's around to keep an eye on them.

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