Please help fast! She is dying!


5 Years
Apr 4, 2014
My brother went out the feed the chickens and he comes running up to my room yelling "COME ON! OAKLY IS ALMOST DEAD!" My instinct was immediately to run into to coop yard. (Without shoes or socks.) My brother said her head was under a rock and and managed to get it out. When I saw her I immediately broke into tears. I love all my chickens and I would cry if anything happened to any of them. So lets get to the point. She is barley alive. She opens her eyes every once in a while. When I sat her down in my lap she flapped her wings for about 3 seconds. Her head is totally limp. Her feet and legs are as well. Her head is all scraped up. I'm guessing for struggling to get it out from under the rock. I had seen her about and hour and a half before that on the roost as happy as she could be. There were no wounds or bite mark anywhere. Please help me.
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We did put electrolytes in some water and put some in a syringe. We squirted a little but in her mouth and she drank it. Her poop is really really liquidy and has this cream colored substance. Sorry if its a little to much detail. I can post pics of it if you would like.
She is dead.
I am so sorry. :( I don't know how she got her head under a rock, but it sounds like she possibly injured herself trying to escape. So, so sorry. :(

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