Please help! Flaky, scaly, scabby skin in eldery moulting hen. A lot of feather cysts and pin feather sheaths staying on for months. (PICS)

Amoxicillin works by inhibiting the synthesis of the cell wall in bacteria, essentially destroying the wall, since MG has no cell wall, then Amoxicillin is usually not the best choice for Mycoplasma. But your vet may have a different reason for prescribing and suggesting what they gave you, so it's best that you re-consult them about the meds.

Ivermectin needs to be repeated in 10-14 days, so if you didn't do a follow up this may be why you're having trouble. Mites also do live in the coop, so if they have not been irradicated from housing, then there's another problem. Treating both lice and mites can prove to be difficult, mites can have a life cycle of every 5-7 days depending on the species, so repeating treatment in intervals to kill off those that hatch and break the lifecycle. It may take months.
Thanks, guess all I can do is give it another go! Also sorry I should have explained better; they had 3-4 weeks worth of ivermectin drops once a week, is it safe to do another course now 2 months later? How often should I be doing the 3-4 weeks?
Thanks, guess all I can do is give it another go! Also sorry I should have explained better; they had 3-4 weeks worth of ivermectin drops once a week, is it safe to do another course now 2 months later? How often should I be doing the 3-4 weeks?
If you still have mites, then you'll need to treat your coop/housing too. Mite and lice treatment is two-fold - you treat both birds and housing.

Since it's been a couple of months since you treated with the Ivermectin Pour On, you can repeat treatment. Dose is by weight at 0.09ml per pound of weight applied to the base of the neck along the spine making contact with the skin. Repeat in 10-14 days.

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