Please help me and my chicken


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
I am so worried I just bought some silkies from someone and one of them has an eye that bubbles and the shavings stick to it.around his eye his fur has gone ,but that might be because I have been trying to clean it.please help me...this is an emergency!THANKYOU
i would isolate her and put her on clean paper towels. You can use Terramycin Ophthalmic Ointment in the eye. i buy mine online and use it for my cats, chickens, ducks, and even myself. It's a very soothing antibiotic. Sometimes bubbly eye can indicate a respiratory infection. i have also had birds eyes bubble or look gunky because they got something in it or have a minor eye infection. Are you seeing any other indication of a respiratory issue like nasal discharge, sneezing, or trouble breathing, rales? Are these new birds in with existing birds? Because you always want to isolate any new birds from your others for a period of 4-8 weeks, in case they are carrying something contagious.

Please let me know how things are going.
she breathes normally...i have her with my other silkies...i put some cream that is for horses on it and it opened up 2 hours later...but her eye is a bit watery.

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