PLEASE HELP! My 2 chicks wont eat or drink!!

California Ducken

13 Years
Apr 14, 2009
California, Central Valley
They dont have enough energy to peck or drink.
They were born Sun. at 3PM
I feed them Exact baby bird food (wet) under my fingernail I scoop some up and put it on their mouths until they pep and then they swallow a small amount.(extremely small)
I give them water the same way.
They don't open their eyes very often and when they do its only 1 eye and it's only 1/2 open.
Oh and they peep and snuggle
Any help PLEASE!!!

I would try (if you haven't already) putting some poly-visol (sp?) in the water or use sugar water to boost them up. Did you take them over to the water and dunk their little beaks in? Have you put food down and poked at it with your finger (like your finger is an eating chicken pecking at it)? Are they warm enough? Did you check their hind ends for pasty butt?
Yes, have you shown them the water? (I'm assuming you did, but had to ask, as I didn't know I was supposed to do that the first time I had chicks).
I would make sure the brooder is at 95 degrees, give them some sugar water with a dropper and then dip their beaks in the water in the brooder to make sure they know where it is. Also, are they on papertowel? If they are I would scatter some food on it until they figure out where the feeder is. You can also buy some polyvisol vitamins w/o iron (infant liquid vitamins found at drug stores) and put it in their water once they start drinking.

I hope they start doing better!
yes on paper towels flat so I can see poo better. I have medicated chick starter on towel and feed them sugar water too.
Yes I put their beeks in water and peck food with my finger.

They hardly open their eyes and dont move around so clumsy drunks
We gave ours yogurt and I think we even tried milk with a dropper. May have added sugar to the milk, I don't remember. But if you have to manually feed them, you're going to have to feed them small amounts often. Hope it goes well.

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