PLEASE HELP. Opened egg on day 25. *graphic photos*


designated lawn flamingo
9 Years
May 27, 2010
Reno, Nevada
They were due tuesday morning, it is now saturday evening. Ive been keeping my humidity up just in case.

I have four eggs in and no pips by now. So i have decided to give up. I opened this one up and this is what i saw. Chick was still folded up. A good amount of yolk still. Membrane still intact.

This was a beautiful bowtied silkie with a huge vaulted skull
. I still have three eggs in the bator- Is it safe to assume they are all dead? Here are the photos...what would you do?



Awww, I am so sorry! I am NOT an expert on incubating, which is why I'm ordering chicks this year instead of eggs. I wish I could help more, but I just don't know what went wrong.
thank you. i am very sad. that chick would have been gorgeous
I have no clue what to do with it either. i feel sad throwing it in the garbage.

Anyone else know what may have happened? should i give the other eggs MORE time? at what point do i just give up? these eggs were set on feb 1st
Looks like it stopped developing before lockdown. And by day 25 I would assume the others have the same fate, but Candle first to check for movement.
So sorry about your loss. I think all of us who hatch eggs have faced this at some point. Not knowing your what incubator you are using or the settings, there could be a number of factors for embryonic development to cease and death to occur. Some gene combinations create lethal alleles that kill the chick during development. Other issues can be bacteria in the incubator or from the eggs themselves.

I would personally wait until Tuesday just in case. After one of my hatches I took the eggs remaining out and opened them to check their viability/development and had two chicks that were still alive! This was one week after the first chicks from their clutch had hatched. It was a horrible surprise and one that still haunts me. I now listen to the eggs before I bust open the shells. You can really detect if the birds are alive even if they are not peeping. There is a faint kind of scrabbly/scratchy sound.

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