PLEASE HELP. Opened egg on day 25. *graphic photos*

Looking at those photos, I'd agree with the person who said the chick looked very wet. I'd say your humidity was too high. Not just in lockdown, but all the way through. That's not to say that if you had had the correct humidity you'd have hatched healthy chicks though. I just had a hatch with half the chicks dead at about the same stage of development and I know my humidity was okay; if anything it was a bit on the dry side. But for your next hatch, I'd start by adjusting the humidity...
Sadly, I would say so. I'd be very surprised if any were alive now. If you decide to open the one that had been peeping, please let us know what it was like. And console yourself with the advice that if you had helped it out, it would most likely have been a sickly weak chick that would not have thrived and would probably have died anyway. Better luck next time...
oh no no none peeped at all. We thought we heard tapping a few nights ago, but that was all. this chick obviously wasnt a tapper. he was all folded up. i unfolded him for the photos. thanks guys, seriosuly. Its a really hard lesson, but ill learn from it.
sorry about this... not fun at all. I have a bunch (my first) of eggs in the bator right now, and it really seems like a miracle that any ever hatch... scary and sad stuff!!
I understand how you feel. My first hatch, about three years ago, was not a great hatch. The majority of the eggs did not hatch. Some that did hatch, had issues and did not live long. I kept wondering what went wrong or what I did wrong. I can tell you, we learn from our mistakes and we learn from experience. So keep a positive attitude and look forward to another hatch with better results. You can learn an awful lot here on BYC.
okay so i eggtopsied the remaining eggs. One looked to be as developed as this one. One was maybe a day less developed. One was fully developed with a completely absorbed yolk sack. All of them were absolutely gorgeous. two silkies and two showgirls. all different colors. . what a shame.

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