Please help with sick peacock

With the safeguard I have her .5ml orally for 5 days and I worked the rest of my flock using the dosage chart for safeguard.
I'm seriously tempted to send you some Baytril and metronidazole, but would have to clear that with the boss, he can be funny about that.

Adding Apple cider vinegar to their (all peas) water doesn't cost big bucks and seems to help keep them from getting most "bugs" floating around. I don't measure the amount, a couple of tablespoons/gallon or a couple of glugs from the bottle. It is supposed to help acidify the stomach and aid in digestion and make it a less hospitable place for parasites. Just don't go overboard, too much and it affects their ability to utilize Calcium.
My vet recommended Braggs, and she said not to put in in metal containers.

Probably not a good idea to mix Corid and ACV, but that's just a gut feeling, it's not based on anything scientific.

Adding Apple cider vinegar to their (all peas) water doesn't cost big bucks and seems to help keep them from getting most "bugs" floating around. I don't measure the amount, a couple of tablespoons/gallon or a couple of glugs from the bottle. It is supposed to help acidify the stomach and aid in digestion and make it a less hospitable place for parasites. Just don't go overboard, too much and it affects their ability to utilize Calcium.

My vet recommended Braggs, and she said not to put in in metal containers.


And ditto the don't go overboard bit... I just managed to kill an azalea with ACV by being a little too enthusiastic with it

Sometimes more is not better
Wow okay thank you
also I thought it was a possibility that the Tylan was taking all of the good bacteria out of her body and that could be the reason for the watery poo. Prior to starting this second round of antibiotics I had put save a chick probiotics in her water thinking it may help and it did a little.I keep electrolytes in all my peas water at all times to help their immunsystem
These pictures are from peafowl that had blackhead, E. Coli or both. Some recovered with just metronidazole, other had to have metronidazole and Baytril. None were treated with Corid.


Probably not a good idea to mix Corid and ACV, but that's just a gut feeling, it's not based on anything scientific.


Well lots of folks have suggested that not everything mixes will with Corid... like vitamins can interfere with the way the Corid works, and then that other antibiotic I was just reading about said don't use some kinds of coccidiostats during or a week before or after, not sure if Corid was in that category & didn't have time to look it up.

Right now, depending on what's causing the bad poo, Corid may be the more urgent need, but hard to say long distance and just guessing...

Shay, do I take it that the poo has been nasty all along? Since before you started the Tylan?

eta -- apparently I was typing this while Kathy was posting poo pix...
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If it were my bird, I would finish out this second round of antibiotic in this bird, I would treat EVERYONE for coccidia, and I would worm ALL the birds.

And I would look at every bird really, really closely for any signs of illness: sneezing, mucous, watery poo, listless, ruffly feathers, lack of appetite, icky feathers below the vent, eye drainage or irritation, weird breathing... anything that didn't look exactly right....

Doctors use different antibiotics on different diseases, because not every bug responds equally well to every antibiotic. It could be that the one she had is responding to the Tylan just a little more slowly than some other bugs might.

It's also possible that having coccidia or worms made her more susceptible to the respiratory infection.

She was originally with the other bird, and the other bird has been with your other birds. If it's coccidia, everyone has been exposed, but maybe some of them have more resistance, since birds develop a natural resistance to coccidia. But it won't hurt any of them to get treated for it with the Corid, and it may help them keep from getting sick.

I'm certainly not a vet, and there are lots of other folks on here with more experience, so maybe they will have other ideas?

I hope she continues to improve.... but you gotta do something about that poo before she gets sicker again.

My ovation button is not working but I wanted to tell you that is an exceptional post! Thank you!
My ovation button is not working but I wanted to tell you that is an exceptional post! Thank you!

You are so thoughtful to say so

I just want to say nice things about @casportpony -- Kathy's super smart at this, and such a help to us all
Her poo hasn't had blood in it that I have seen but it hasn't ever been like all my other peas poo. Their poo looks about like dog poo and thats normal but hers is and has been watery on and off since we got her .

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