Please HELP! Young Silkie injured!

I wish his mouth was big enough to see like this....

Do you think it'd be a good idea to measure from his mouth to his crop and mark the measurement on the tube so I know when to stop?
You could do that.

I'm not sure if I should tube feed him any because he's drooling. (it's not what I fed him) I was really careful with tube feeding so I don't think that's it......he is not doing well. The only thing that I see getting better is that he's pooped brown runny poop instead of white watery poop.
It sounds like you have really been trying to do the best for this little Silkie. Although tube feeding gets easier with practice, it really helps to have someone else hold the bird when you are first learning. Do you have anyone who can just hold him wrapped in a towel?

I'm not sure if you got much food into his crop when you tried before. It sure does sound like he needs the nutrition.
I heard that sick chickens can get depressed because they are alone. Should I put a chick/chicken with him. I have a Silkie that would be nice because she's the only one that doesn't peck the younger two that are a little over 4 weeks. Or should I put the 2 4 week olds with him. or just leave him be........should I take him outside for fresh air and he'll be able to see other chickens?
I'm not sure, but could the illness spread? If you are certain it's only wounds, maybe take him outside, I'm not %100 sure though. Don't leave him unsupervised if you do decide to take him out.

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