Please Help


In the Brooder
May 8, 2015
Devon England
My 25 week old girl is being very largthargic is just standing there with her tail down and keeps closing her eyes, she is not very interested in food but she has been drinking, I tried her with meal worms and she showed a bit of intrest but not as enthusiastic as she normally is, She laid an egg this morning and has been laying everyday for 3 weeks now, I've looked her over and can't see any thing wrong although I am new to this, any advice on what I should do would be very much appreciated
I had three chickens with similar symptoms. I'm sorry to say, they didn't make it. Try getting her onto antibiotics as fast as you can. Get her drinking electrolytes and keep her warm.

Are her droppings green? Is she having trouble breathing? Is her comb pale? Could she possibly have worms?

The fact that she is still laying means she is still healthy enough to develop eggs. Hope she gets better soon!
Last night before bed she laid a soft shell less egg and I did find another in the run when I went out to get her, she's eating and drinking plenty and this morning seems to have perked up I've put her back out with the others and she is running around and seems much better, but one of the others has diarrhoea but seems fine in herself so I'm wondering if maybe they do have worms
My chickens sometimes lay shelless eggs. I could just be because she was weak she did that. Are you feeding them oyster shells for calcium?

I'm glad she's feeling better!
Yes they have oyster shell to access at all times, I'm going to get some electrolytes in her today, I was up and down all night with worry, so many people have said its just a chicken let nature take its course ! Imagine the hate if I said that about their dog or cat lol I'm sorry you lost your girls did you ever find out what it was ?
No, I never did. They had pale combs, green droppings, and were very lethargic. I was really glad that my other chickens didn't catch it though. The first hen lasted the longest. She was covered in mites. You touched her and it was like a wave of mites were crawling up your arm. We tried treating her with a spray, but it didn't work. The other two went much faster.

I love my chickens, and I try my best to make sure they do well. They are domestic, so letting nature take its course has nothing to do with it, right? LOL

Your hen is lucky to have such a good owner!
Thank you I do try my best to give them the best possible life I can they are truely spoilt and very well loved, it broke my heart seeing her look so poorly, what's the best way to treat for worms if they do have them ?
I use verm-x on my birds as the local place didn't have a pharmaceutical wormer available. You can worm with horse wormer too. I'm not sure on dose but if you type it in the search box above lots of threads should come up.

Have you had the quite warm weather down your way too? I've found my birds are a little quieter when it's warmer. Also as she has been laying for 3 weeks she could still be getting her laying machine in order. It takes a lot of energy to produce an egg especially when they first start.

Good luck with her, I hope she is much better today.
Yes it has been warm here I do make sure they have access to plenty of water and on the hotter days I put ice cubes in their water lol I'm going to worm them because this morning the other one did a strange poo and I'm worried they might have worms

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