Please Help

I have to chicks (about 41/2 month old) both are sick. Both have pale colored combs and faces, one had a foamy like substance coming from its beak (she still standing), she won't eat or drink. The other one is just laying around, "he" keeps throwing up and has diarrhea (only if or when it will eat). I have them both quarantined away from each other and the rest of my flock. I'm not sure what's going on or what to do to help either one of them, all the others seem fine, can anyone help?

Have you demoted them yet? I'm for sure if it okay since they are young but I think it might be fine I'd check though to give them done antibiotics can you send a pic of the poo also is her crop full?
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What are you trying to say????

Haha I shouldve read it before I sent it. I was asking if you have dewormed them, and you could give them antibiotics like sulmet but I'm not sure if it's a good idea with how old they are so I'd ask someone. Can you send a picture of their poo

This is the worst one's poo

This one is staying scrunched up bit on her feet. Neither of them are eating or drinking much now. I worked them a few weeks ago. The weather has been bad here lately, hot one day raining the next.
That poo chart is very helpful, I'm constantly worried about what their poo looks like, sls33 I hope your babies get better soon they do look pretty poorly, but yes maybe if you start up a new thread some of the experienced people can help, good luck
Ok so the first hen that started this thread has taken a step back and is back to how she was a few days ago, she's sat in the corner tail down looking sorry for herself there is some gooey stuff on her bum feathers and it looks like she is pulsing to get something out, she laid a perfect egg this morning just like last time
Why is this happening ?

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