Please sex my silkies!

Ok checked the partridge looking one, he has pronounced pimples at the back of his legs above the toes, at the back of his legs, but listening to you guys that means diddly squat in silkie language :D

The partridge and the lighter buff/gold ones walk about very tall and proud, the tail feather carriage of the brown/partridge is much more pronounced, to the extent that hubby has commented too that he feels it strutts more, more ostrich like if that makes sense, the darker gold and the white along with our black confirmed egg laying hen are just generally rounder in body shape and pompom head feathers when they move about they generally look "round"

Will have a look through files and see if I have more pics of the gold/buff one..
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Spur bumps mean absolutely nothing at this point. All chickens have them, some more so than others.. Some hens will even grow spurs, it's not a definite sexing method at all for any breed (including silkies).
Spur bumps mean absolutely nothing at this point. All chickens have them, some more so than others.. Some hens will even grow spurs, it's not a definite sexing method at all for any breed (including silkies).
x2 if it was then we all would have cockerels lol
wink.png parents own a game type breed with spurs getting sharper than any of the roosters they have and they also have a yokohama hen with some very sharp spurs
The five we have only three have round pompom heads. The other two are wind swept with harder tail feathers, under ther fluffy crowns there is some harder feather stubble not sure if that means anything, probably nothing but you can feel it under the softer hair on the top of their heads and down the back of their necks, haven't checked the hens for same yet.
its those streamers that you should look for. they are the longer feathers sticking out of the crest....if you looks at the side view of your partridge you can see all the streamers sticking out of the crest
where extactly is the "crest" and what exactly do "streamers" look like? Sorry for being blonde but this is all so new to me

The others just don't have the same development on the face as this one and its definitely younger than the gold/buff...
and in this one you can see he has harder feathers down the back of his neck, which makes it feel like stubble as opposed to soft feather like our black hen.


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