Please show me your hot weather coops

I'm a couple of hours west of you, between Dell City & El Paso. This is my concern, as well. The dust storms & monsoon season. Your plan sounds very similar to mine. I feel like we need to be able to close a door on them in the coop during those crazy winds.
Hey are you getting any of this crazy weather? We are flooding like crazy over here.

We've had crazy inconsistent weather, with winds (of course) & some rain, but no flooding. Wow! You guys ok? My best friend is in Midland. I guess I should check in on her. Lol See? These are the concerns i have for my chickens. Once I move them outside, what do I do when it floods?
I'm near Lamesa, about 55 miles from Midland. We stayed home today, all our exits are flooded. Our property is on a hill, so we stay dry.

I plan on building my coop about 1-2' off the ground. It doesn't rain often, but when it does!!!
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This is my coop. A man in Lake Butler makes them. Perfect for hot Florida weather. My next one will have boxes on the ground.
I'm in Jacksonville, FL and am thinking of doing the same. How do you protect your ladies when it gets in the 20s for the one or two weeks we occasionally get in North Florida?
I haven't had to face that yet...... but I do have a plan. I am going to hang a blue tarp on the north side of the coop to block wind. Everything I have read here and elsewhere says they are tougher than we think. I do feel much better about the open air than I do about a completely closed coop.

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