
7 Years
Jun 23, 2012
Graham Wa
Greetings I was wondering if I could get the website IT person to instruct me on how to get BYC to stop tracking my cookies. I use safari or Mozilla and have the do not track selected. Which means this site is pruposfully ignoring the do not track. Please instruct me on proper protocol as I feel this method is an invasion of my privacy.
Tracks listed when i clicked on this page. Discovered by AVG "do not track".

crowd scene

personal data collection: no
Non-personal data collection yes
Data Sharing Yes
Data Retention No

Tracking is an everyday part of web browsing these days. I only get concerned when personal info is collected or shared.
Quote: This is true. As far as know, the best you can do is go to Tools at the top of your page, use the drop down menu and click "Start Private Browsing". You can turn off cookies entirely, but there are many sites that won't allow you to go there with cookies turned off. Delete cookies regularly.

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The next version of IE, version 10, will default to do not track; everything else requires you to find that setting and implement it yourself.

This is an interesting development- online advertising and marketing firms are in an uproar, since it cuts deep into all their plans to aggregate data on you from across multiple different sites you visit. There will be a lot of pressure on microsoft to back off, but if they don't it is a game changer.

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