please tell me if im crazy

They are still young, give them time !! The lack of light i'm sure is not helping.... Add a few hours of light a day to the coop so they get the 14 hours !! What are you feeding them ??
so at 5 weeks old they would be just alittle over 6 mos. old right now. The longest my birds went was 24 weeks. which is about right now for you.

light source and eggs don't always go hand in hand. animals know winter...animals know seasons. we can fool them a little, but not much....being younger first time layers and in the dead of winter right now, that is probably your problem.

I would wait a bit unless you truly want to process now. But the time of year I would give them some benefit of the doubt at this point.

I noticed your birds are free ranging in the pictures....they COULD be laying eggs and you can't find them. A friend had a few free rangers and she wondered why they were older and no eggs....well those hens were laying them in the grass and she found one when walking around the never know???LOL

hope some of that helps you
thanks for all the help maybe ill give them another month before i eat em. lol but i really hope they lay. i wouldn mind eatin them they are a bunch of unfriendly hens, lol
Those are some good looking girls. Don't worry too much about it. They will start pretty soon and next month you'll be trying to get rid of some of the eggs. My RIR girls were a bit fussy too until they started laying steady. They are still not as clingy as the Delawares but even the biggest Roo pretends to have to come over and get a drink away from the others whenever I fill the waterer that he likes best. Then he sits while I talk to him and he drinks and follows me out the front door and around the yard until I pick him up fro a minute or two then when I put him down he is satisfied and back off to the girls.

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