PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

Well is she eating on her own yet

This hen of mine was able to eat on her own by week two

and if you notice she hasn't any top of her beak left
Guess what today is guys??? It has been three weeks today since Fuzzy Bum's accident. And she has been improving :) Here are some more pictures of Fuzzy Bum. I take these pictures when she is most alert, in the morning. If I don't feed her her scrambled eggs fast enough in the morning she gets SO loud :p she wakes up everyone in the house. she can be impatient, haha, but I love her so much. The other day, I was giving her some v8 juice with a syringe, and some of it must have got on her beak. Because one of the other chickens bit her lower beak. Fuzzy Bum lost a lot of blood from her beak, but it clotted. Actually, I was wondering if it was God who intervened, helping Fuzzy Bum's lower beak more even with her top. So now I think it will be easier for her to eventually learn to eat on her own, which she still can't. We have ordered the chicken nipples online, but they still haven't come in. Thanks again everyone for your help! Me and fuzzy bum wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for all of you amazing people. Fuzzy bums favorite foods are bread and scrambled egg. I wonder if I can convince my mom into buying sardines for her. Fuzzy bum is spoiled, but deserves to be after all she has been through. I will try to give her some creamed corn. We are even praying for fuzzy bum at my church :) @gander007 Thank you for the picture of your beautiful girl. It does give me hope :) The picture where fuzzy bums beak is open is because she had a yawn :)

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@tmlpike You just made me cry. Happy tears of course. I am sure that everyone on this thread is overjoyed at Fuzzy Bums recovery. God does move in very mysterious ways!! Please keep us all updated with Fuzzy Bum and pictures of her. Have no doubt that she is in our prayers and you can see how powerful that can be. Hugs and Blessings.....

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