PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

Wow, you did a great job I admire you for that. I've never seen such dedication to saving a chicken. I have seen it with exotic birds, but never with a chicken.

Though I might give you an idea, incase I overlooked it in all the post. They do make prosthetic beaks for birds, usually exotics. But none the less, having a beak bitten off with parrots in captivity is a common problem with breeding parrots and large exotic birds. Maybe consider speaking to a avian vet, you may have one near you who can possibly guide you in replacing her beak so she could forage with the other chickens in the coop. Usually Avian vets don't list in the phone book as Avian Vets, you may have to call around one of the clinics with multiple vets, usually they know of one nearby who can help you if your interested. Otherwise, she looks great!

She is doing great, again I admire you for all you did with her.......
I love reading this whole story from the start. It makes me so happy I cry...
My baby girl is just doing great. Enjoying life and making me enjoy it more myself. After a bad day at work, when I pull in the driveway, there she is waiting for me to cheer me up. Her rank seems to be moving up in the hen house. She is one of the top girls, although she is very nice to her fellow sisters. Fuzzy Bum is now able to eat some of her regular for although it needs to be in a deep dish container. She still always looks forward to eating her egg omelette every day. When my mom makes breakfast for the family, Fuzzy Bum's egg is always included in the cooking :) Fuzzy Bum grows more and more beautiful each and every day. I love her so much and can't imagine a life without her.

Just look at how beautiful she is! She always makes eye contact with me :)

Fuzzy Bum wondering if it is safe to enter our house. (She knows that we have a kitty cat)

Fuzzy Bum got stuck out in the rain one night. Poor baby. At least she had a nice shower to clean all of her beautiful feathers :)

Fuzzy Bum trying her best to dry her feathers

Fuzzy Bum melting my heart <3 <3 <3

Nope. You won't see a happier chicken having a dirt bath than Fuzzy Bum.

Truly one on the best BYC success stories! Have you thought about starting another thread that summarizes your treatment plan? That might really help someone some day. Anyway, always makes my day to see pictures of he looking so happy and healthy. :D

Kathy beat me to it, I just can't think of a better story that I've read since I joined this forum.

She looks AMAZING- look at how red and vibrant her comb and wattles are! I'm so happy to hear that she's adapted so well to eating.

I do a lot of work with therapeutic horseback riding. I used to work with a blind horse who had her eyes surgically removed. The fact that she had such an obvious physical disability meant that it was often very easy for children with disabilities to connect with her. They could see that although she looked very different- even scary at first- she was an amazing animal that loved people. I think Fuzzy Bum's story illustrates the same thing. I would love it if there was an author on this forum who would take her story and turn it in to a kids' book, complete with your excellent photos!
So glad Fuzzy Bum is doing well! Is that a pic of you in a prom dress with your chicken in your avatar? :D:love

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