Plymouth Rock thread!

Thank you for the compliment on my birds! I have no illusions that we'll be showing anytime soon (or ever, really), but we think our girls are lovely! It amazes me how soft their feathers are.

Also, thank you for welcoming me into the thread. I'll just gawk at your pretty showgirls, and snuggle with Amelia (who just chased off a crow, by the way. Don't mess with her treats!).

Thank you for the compliment on my birds! I have no illusions that we'll be showing anytime soon (or ever, really), but we think our girls are lovely! It amazes me how soft their feathers are.

Also, thank you for welcoming me into the thread. I'll just gawk at your pretty showgirls, and snuggle with Amelia (who just chased off a crow, by the way. Don't mess with her treats!).

I've never shown my birds either. I just enjoy them!
I never show mine, either, never planned to. I just love Barred Rocks, hatchery, heritage, whatever. To me, they are the quintessential backyard or barnyard chicken. I also am very fond of my blue, black and splash Rocks, but the barreds will always be my first love.

My Stukel line Barred Rocks are the best eye candy, huge sweet hens who will still brood and forage with the best of 'em.

I have two 5 1/2 year old hens from McMurray parents, eggs given to me by my friend Kate (helmstead on BYC), who lay, though Amanda has some issues with arthritis and the heat is beginning to bother her now more than usual. Becca lays 4 eggs per week right now, not too shabby for an old girl, 'eh?

And I have Fern, a BR from hatchery parents, raised as a lone chick by a broody banty Cochin, who is almost 4 years old now, lays 6 eggs a week, sometimes 7, even at her age. Fern's daughter, Barbara, is very small-bodied with a wonky comb, but she lays HUGE eggs every day.

The BBS Rocks are great layers of jumbo eggs-they are over 2 years old now, except for the splash, who younger and is just going into her first big molt and lays a bit less often at the moment, but is still laying. My Rocks don't seem to stop long to molt until they are much older.

So, you really can't go wrong with Rocks, IMO.
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You could get an EE roo and have babies with colored eggs! I think they would be green if crossed to a brown egg layer...but I like green eggs and ham hahaha
New Hampshire male over a Barred Rock female then put the F1 male back over New Hampshire females and hatch a bunch of eggs LOL because your going to get multiple color patterns at first then take the Buff-barred F2s and breed away.

Thanks, Sounds like it will take a couple years, lol. But I'm gonna try it.

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