Poison Ivy spray/time


6 Years
Aug 17, 2016
I've got to use something to kill the poison ivy in my yard-- I'm super allergic and if it spreads, I'm in trouble. I'd typically use Round Up to murder it, but it's in an area my chickens occasionally free range in or around. My chickens don't free range often due to hawks, but I still don't want to let them into an area I've sprayed until it's safe. How long do you think I ought to wait to let them out? I don't think they'd pick at the area that's been sprayed anyhow, since it surely won't taste good (or, if I wait long enough, it'll all be dead), but I want to be safe all the same.

I know RoundUp/Monsanto products have a lot of problems and I wouldn't use them if I had a better option-- unfortunately, nothing else has proven so effective and poison ivy is a truly dangerous plant for me!
I've become immune to poison ivy but when i want to kill it i either use dawn soap and vinegar or i just plain hand pull it which really is the best way as it prevents it from popping up again since they have underground shoots.So maybe ask someone you know who isn't allergic to hand pull it .But if you want to use roundup i would wait till it dies then let them out.
Any product containing 2-4D will kill poison ivy and any broad leaf weed, not affecting grasses. It can also be purchased as the only ingredient and is about the safest weed killer you can use around animals, the half life being extremely short. It kills the plant by stimulating leaf growth and tricking the plant into thinking it's reached the end of its life cycle.

The stuff is a fraction of the price of Roundup, too. I'd keep the chickens away from it until you see the plant begin to wilt, making it an unattractive browse.

I feel for you, being very allergic to poison oak, the western version of this torture plant. Any animal brushing against the plant transfers the resin to itself, and if you cuddle the animal, you will get a very good exposure. I had a cat once who liked to snuggle between my knees as I reclined on a lounger in my yard. I had one of the worst cases of poison oak between my thighs. Just the memory makes me want to scratch.
That’s how I always end up getting it— one of my many pets wanders through it. It’s awful! Thanks so much for the advice, all. I’ll try to find 2-4D and give it a go.
I used roundup on poison ivy and let the chickens and pets out once it was completely dried with zero ill effects a few years ago. If it's in a specific area, you can block off that part of the yard from them if you are concerned.
The product that is labeled "poison Ivy killer" is extremely effective at killing it. It only needs to be placed on the ivy leaves. They die within 1-3 days all the way down to the roots. I take a piece of cardboard, place it behind the leaves (careful not to touch any) and spray the leaves. That way it doesn't get on what ever plant they are entangled on. Mine are entangled on the arbovite bushes. You do not need to spray all the leaves. Just a few is enough to kill the whole plant. After it dies it can be removed very carefully, it is just as deadly dead as it is alive. It's very easy and as long as you focus the spraying, nothing else dies.

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