POL Delaware Flock (MORROW) - 4 pullets, 1 cockerel - TN, GA, NC


It's all about the Dels!
9 Years
10 Years
Jan 24, 2010
Englewood, TN
Selling second best rooster and 4 best pullets from a Morrow purchase. (whitmorefarms.com) The color can stand improvement but the bodies are pretty decent. The rooster I'm keeping has a true bowl chest, so the genetics are there. The cockerel with this listing hasn't quite the pronouced bowl chest, but better than alot I have seen. Now, that is if you are breeding.... if you want eggs and meat, these are very productive. The girls started to lay about 1-2 weeks ago and the eggs are already large. They are laying very well and Morrow breeds for meat production... so if meat is what you want, then it's a good pick. Below is THE rooster (so long as preditors don't get him) that is in this listing.
I just don't have pictures of the girls... I will try to get that done today and posted later in the thread

Pick up/meet up only. I live in SE TN and often meet in Dalton, GA for pick ups... also can do W NC. Just ask if you live in this region and are interested. Thanks!!

I love that Will breeds for what reall matters -- eggs and meat in this case, and not so much to the visual "standard". He is THE breeder for the backyard flock owner looking for sustainable useful chicken stock. I have four of the five Welsummer hens I picked up as week-olds 3 years ago, and they are still laying a couple XL eggs a week , and look fabulous. Thier quality breeding really shows. Someone will get a great deal here on your birds I'm sure.
I think it's a great deal... just started laying and from Will they cost $5 a chick, minimum of 25... so, yeah, it's a deal. I'm losing money when you factor in feed.

They really do lay large eggs!! I can't believe the size of the pullet eggs. I'm keeping some pullets for myself, if nothing just to see how the hen's eggs size up!!

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