Polish boy or girl? Any thoughts?


9 Years
May 19, 2010
Franklin, TN
Such quick responses on my black copper maran (boy), now how about my 6 week old Polish chick? Neither of these were sexed at birth. Coco seems more girly to me but, not having had a Polish before, it's kind of hard to tell. She's our favorite of the bunch and I'd be mighty sad if she turns out to be a boy. Sorry about the red sexlink butt in the way - Coco is a bit more skittish than any of the others and it's hard to get good pics of her.
And I have been looking at the differences between boys and girls but it's kind of hard with the Polish I think - I can't seem to figure out where a 'comb' would be! She's pretty shy so it's hard to hold on to her for long like we can with the others.
how old is Coco?
I have a little polish my first as well .. mine has a more mowhawk and pointeir head creast where your coco seams to be more rounded which is supposed to be hen-like.. I think my MeeBeep is a boy and your coco is a girl.. just from what I have learned so far.. I will be really glad to find out what others think so I can tell if Im the right line with mine..
good luck

Hi, I was told by another breeder that if the end of the feathers on the crest come to a sharp point, it is a cockerel. But if end of feathers are rounded on top of the head, you have a pullet. Deb
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Thanks Deb & Pink - appreciate it - I'm leaning towards her being a girl - and she does have that rounded crest. Our black copper maran is showing definite roo signs so he'll have to be re-homed but we're going to hold out for a while yet to see because you just never know!

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