Polish chick getting pecked/ I am leaving for the weekend. Advice!


9 Years
May 16, 2010
I have 3 new chicks. Approximately 8 weeks old, i just bought them. They have been in together since Monday and everything has been fine. They were fine last night. This morning we go out to play with/free range them and the polish has a bloody red spot with feathers missing and pecked off. It is not an open wound or deep. Just red and raw from the pecking.

I have read several pecking problem threads. Here is my other issue. We are leaving in a few hours to go visit my mom. We can't put off the visit. We will be back Sunday afternoon and all the chickens have plenty of food, water and shelter for the duration. I am worried about this little girl though.

My husband thinks we should separate her to a different spot with her own water and food. Is that the best course of action? I am afraid she will be terribly lonely for two days alone, but I guess it is better than being pecked? She doesn't seem afraid of the others or avoiding them at all. It is really baffling.

Also do you think it is a protein issue? I have them on a flock grower ration that says it is 20% protein.

any ideas welcome.

I don't know why the others are picking on her but my thoughts would be to separate her and give her, her own water and food! I'd hate for you to come back home to find her pecked to death, and that could happen very easily! She might be lonesome but the alternative is not too good either. Also then you won't be worried about her while you are with your Mom!
I have a friend I trust who is an Organic farmer locally and I finally got a call in to him.

He suggested: I cover the wound somehow to prevent further pecking. Feed them a few small peices of raw liver (protein and something else to peck besides a fellow chicken). And to leave her in there. He thought she might be super stressed separated.

I put a small piece of guaze over the wound to prevent the tape sticking then wrapped a white piece of surgical tape around her head.

I will let you all know if it works.
Well, I thought it went good.

I left Friday evening got back Sunday evening. They had eaten all their feed and the liver I put out. They still had lots of water. The injured chick had got her bandage and tape off of course. She was in good shape though. Her head has a nice little scab on it and no new pecking. HOORAY!!
I raised polish for 5 years.Sadly I lost a few starting out with them.I found never to put them in with larger standard breed chicks.After getting my polish flock really started I would set up a sep. brooder for them.I have put newbie bantam's in with week old polish like cochin, frizzle or OE's with no problem but seemed alway's had problem's if put new polish in with anything older.

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