Polish pictures


12 Years
Oct 11, 2007
Gervais OR
If anyone has any pictures of their Polish, I'd love to see them. The guy that sold me mine says they are show quality...I think maybe two of them are, but my buff laced hen is questionable. Her head feathers are pretty sad and go off to one side like a bad 80's haircut.
here is my buff laced, Dolly

Wow. My Daisy looks nothing like that. She has half the "do" but she's only 15 weeks old...should it be as full as that by now?
This is Hope, she has too much black on the front of her crest. Her crest was about half this size at the age of your bird. She is a year old in this photo.

I will post some current pictures of our polish tomorrow after I take some new pictures for you! They all have very different looking crests. One has a very nice crest, the other has a very skimpy crest, one has more of a curly but very full and nice crest and the other has a small crest.
Pictures tomorrow!
I took some good pics of my Robert a couple weeks ago. His do has remained mostly the same, but his tail has grown even longer and flashier since then.


Robert on the left, Butters on the right.



Omg, you can almost see an eye!

Wow that's a pretty Polish!! Is he pretty friendly? So far mine is very sweet, but hes young still. He just won't let me touch him unless I do a sneak attack from behind, when I pick him up he calms easy enough and puts his head down for a scratch.

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